You Sure Being Back At Work Is A Good Idea

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(A few weeks later)

The baby is crying. Emma opens her eyes and gets up. She goes to the door but Casey is already in the nursery comforting her.

Emma: You know I can get her too.
Casey: Yeah but I want you to get your rest there detective.

Emma smiles and sits with him. He looks at her.

Casey: Our perfect little family.

Emma smiles.

Casey: What's wrong.
Emma: I'm just worried. We both have dangerous jobs if something happens to either of us.
Casey: We are not going anywhere. Ok. No need to worry.

Emma gets a text from Voight.

Voight: (Hey are you coming in today.)
Emma: (Yeah be there soon.)
Emma: I have to get ready to leave.

Emily starts crying.

Emma: God she is a quiet baby till we have to go.

Casey laughs.

Casey: That she is.

Casey sets up an oxygen tank. Emma sits down. He helps get it on her.

Casey: You ok?
Emma: Yeah I'm just struggling to get a lot of oxygen in. Will told me it's from complications with the pregnancy but taking a little bit in in the morning will help me get back to normal. I'll be fine.
Casey: Yes and Will also said that you shouldn't run and do crazy stuff. Inhale smoke, chemicals anything like that. So are you sure going to be a detective right now is a good idea.
Emma: I'm not sitting around. I'll be fine.

He hands her Emily.

Casey: Ok. I'm going to change. I'll be right back.

He slips out. She looks into Emily's eyes.

Emma: Little Emily. What would we do without your daddy?

He comes back in. He takes Emily and heads into the kitchen. She removes the mask. The door bell rings. Emma gets up to answer it. Maggie is standing at the door.

Emma: Hey Maggie. What can we do for you?
Maggie: Hey. Will said you guys needed a babysitter. That yours fell through.

Casey comes to the door.

Casey: Hey Maggie.
Maggie: Hey Matt. Oh my she's adorable.
Casey: Thank you. I didn't know that Will was being such a protective uncle.
Maggie: Will says that Emily is a special baby.
Casey: That she is.
Emma: I have to get to work but you mind getting the bag ready for Maggie to take with her.
Casey: Yeah.

He kisses her.

Casey: I love you.
Emma: Love you too.

She turns back to Maggie.

Emma: You sure you're ok with this Maggie. We can take her to a daycare.
Maggie: I'm positive.

She grabs her vest.

Emma: Thanks so much then.
Maggie: No problem.
Casey: Be careful.
Emma: I will.

She leaves. Casey hands Maggie Emily and the bag.

Casey: Thanks for this really.
Maggie: It's no problem at all.

Emma gets to the district. Trudy sees her come up the steps.

Trudy: Hey I didn't think you were coming in today.
Emma: Well change of plans.
Trudy: Voight is upstairs but the team is out working a case.
Emma: Ok thanks Platt.

She gets upstairs.

Voight: Hey I didn't know that you were coming in today.
Emma: I can't sit at home anymore.
Voight: How are you feeling.
Emma: As good as I'm suppose to feel after giving birth.

He laughs.

Voight: So the teams out doing an investigation on a case. As soon as they are done we are heading over to that old warehouse on park st to try and help determine how the girl was murdered there.

Jay: (Hey we are done and near the warehouse we are just going to meet you there.)

Voight looks at Emma.

Voight: Gear up. Let's go figure this out.

Casey pulls up to the firehouse. Kelly comes over.

Casey: Hey.
Kelly: Hey. How's it going.
Casey: I finally got some sleep last night.
Kelly: But you have enjoyed every minute of it.
Casey: I have.
Kelly: How's Emma.
Casey: She went back to work.
Kelly: Already. She just gave birth a few weeks ago.
Casey: Yeah I know but there was no use in arguing with her. I'm just worried.
Kelly: Hey I'm sure she will be fine.

They head inside. Voight and Emma pull up to the warehouse. Jay walks over to Emma.

Jay: Hello didn't you just give birth a few weeks ago.
Emma: Yeah I did. Your niece was born. You delivered her remember.
Jay: Emma.
Emma: I'm fine.
Jay: Will said you should not be working right now.
Emma: I'll be fine. How about after our investigation Ill stay by Voights side for the rest of the day.
Jay: Good decision. But when we are finished we are going to have a talk about how you don't listen.
Emma: Fine.
Jay: Emma I just care about you. You're my sister and I don't want to se anything happen to you.
Emma: I know. And I appreciate it.
Voight: Alright I want every inch of this place searched. Nothing gets overlooked. Emma Adam you two are together. Everyone else as usual.

They head inside.

Adam: You sure you're going to be alright.
Emma: Adam I'll be fine.
Adam: I know you will.

Kim and Kevin head downstairs into the basement. Adam and Emma head upstairs and Jay and Hailey head into the first room on the first floor. Hailey stops.

Hailey: Jay do you hear that.
Jay: Get down.

There is a loud explosion. The warehouse explodes in flames.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now