You Have Like A Thousand Lives

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Voight comes out of his office. Intelligence is sitting at their desks.

Voight: Just a heads up I got a call from Antonio. He went back to rehab.

Jay and Emma look at each other.

Voight: So Kim and Kevin you are a pair. Adam and Emma, you'll work together. Hailey and Jay, you'll be together. Now we found the warehouse that the couple has been keeping the girls in. We are meeting the FBI out there now.

They all get up and walk out. Adam walks over to Emma.

Adam: You okay after yesterday?

Emma: I'd rather not discuss it.

He nods. They pull up to the warehouse. Adam and Emma take the front door.

Jay: (radios) We are set.

Emma kicks the door open and the man and woman take off.

Emma: (radio) They are running.

They run down towards the basement. Adam and Emma get to the door with Jay and Hailey. Jay looks at Emma. She nods. He slowly opens the door. They flip their flashlights on. They walk up to a wall with pictures of the girls all over it.

Adam: Oh my god.

Emma glances out a window and sees the couple taking off through the back.

Emma: I see them.

Jay and Hailey go back up the steps while Adam and Emma go out the basement door. Mary and Arthur run in different directions. Voight, Emma, Adam, Jay and Hailey run after Mary as Kim, Kevin, and some of the FBI members run after Arthur.

Emma comes upon Mary standing on the edge of a bridge overlooking the highway.

Emma: Hailey block off traffic.

She runs out yelling at cars. Voight pulls up in his car, jumping out. Jay and Adam draw their guns. Emma steps closer to Mary. The lady turns around, pointing her gun at Emma.

Mary: Don't take another step or I'll shoot.

Emma: Alright I'm staying put. Talk to me.

Mary: I'm jumping. Not a word you say is going to change my mind.

Emma: Mary it is not worth it.

She turns back around ignoring Emma.

Emma sets her gun on the ground.

Jay: What the hell are you doing? Are u crazy?

Emma: I am crazy thanks for pointing that out.

Jay: Emma, she is armed.

Emma: Jay I have to do this.

Emma turns her attention back to Mary, ignoring Jay.

Emma: Hey let's talk this out.

She inches herself closer to Mary. Mary turns back around pointing her gun directly at Emma.

Emma: Everyone stand down.

Emma turns to Mary.

Emma: Hey look at me I don't have anything.

Mary: I don't trust cops.

Emma: Your son.

Mary looks up confused.

Mary: What?

Emma: Your son will be traumatized if he loses his parents. Don't let that happen.

Mary: He'll be fine.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now