Emma Casey

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Dr Marcel and Ethan walk into the waiting room. Jay stands up.

Jay: How is she.
Ethan: Chief Sargent can we get a word.

They look at each other. They walk into the prayer room.

Voight: Is anyone going to tell us what her condition is!?
Crockett: She didn't make it.
Voight: What?
Ethan: Her body succumbed to her injuries.
Voight: No.
Dr Marcel: I'm sorry Hank.
Voight: May I see her.

Ethan signals towards the door. They leave. Crockett stands against the wall. Boden puts a hand on his shoulder.

Boden: You did everything you could Crockett just remember that.
Crockett: It wasn't enough. How do I tell Jay and Will that I couldn't save their sister. How is Casey going to tell Emily that her mom won't be holding her tonight.
Boden: We all can't hide from death.
Crockett: I know but Emma didn't deserve to go not yet.
Boden: She knew it was time.

Dr Marcel sits on the edge of the pew. Boden walks into the waiting room.

Boden: Hey guys. Dr Marcel and Dr Choi would like to share Emma's condition with you in private in the prayer room.

They all look at each other and head into the room. Ethan opens the OR door.

Voight: Is she closed up.

Ethan nods.

Ethan: I'll give you a minute.

Ethan exits. Voight pulls the sheet down. He grabs her hand.

Voight: Emma I don't know what to say. I'm sorry there are times I should have put my foot down and said no to you doing crazy things but that's who you were. And no one was going to change that. I'm sorry that I let you go in that building or even come back to work. I should have said no.

A tear falls as he puts the sheet back up. Ethan takes him out. Ethan walks into the prayer room.

Jay: Is anybody going to tell us if Emma is ok.

Ethan looks at Jay. Dr Marcel speaks up.

Dr Marcel: Her heart collapsed.
Casey: What.
Ethan: She died on the operating table. Dr Marcel tried to save her and he couldn't. She succumbed to her injuries.
Jay: No no she isn't gone.
Casey: I want to see her.

All of them follow him to the room. He pulls the sheet down. Brett turns around in tears. Kelly stands there in shock. Casey breaks down in tears. He grabs her hand. Jay sinks to the floor. Will puts a hand on his shoulder. Brett walks over. She takes her hand.

Brett: You truly were an amazing friend Em.

Kelly slips a firefighting pin into her hand.

Kelly: You deserve this Em. Like it or not. You were pretty good.

He turns to Jay, Will, and Casey.

Kelly: I'm sorry.
Brett: Matt take your time I'll watch after Emily.

They walk out. Jay walks over and takes her hand.

Jay: Em how am I suppose to live life without you. I didn't know how much I truly needed you until now.

Jay backs off crying. Jay walks up to Casey.

Jay: I'm sorry Matt.
Casey: I am too.

They walk out.

Casey looks at Emma's lifeless body.

Casey: Em I don't understand. Your life was coming back together. I don't know how I'm going to do this without you.

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