I want to be here for you now and always because I still love you Em.

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Brett walks up to Emma's hospital room. Emma has her eyes closed. Brett turns to leave.

Emma: Sylvie.

She walks into the room.

Brett: Hey girl how are you feeling?
Emma: Ready to get back out there.
Sylvie: That's great news.
Emma: Could you let Casey know I need to talk to him? It's important.
Brett: Of course. He's across the hall getting looked out.
Emma: Is he ok?
Brett: Yeah, just a fire call check-up. I'll be back, let me go get him.

She turns and goes across the hall.

Brett: Hey Matt. Emma's asking for you.
Casey: Is everything okay?
Brett: I don't know.
Dr Choi: You are good to go Matt.

He nods. Kelly and him go across the hall to her room. He knocks on the door.

Casey: Hey how are you?
Emma: I'm ok.

They walk into the room.

Casey: We are glad you are back.
Emma: Same here. Uh, Kelly mind giving us a little privacy?
Kelly: Sure thing. Hope you feel better.

She smiles.

Emma: Thanks.

Kelly leaves and stands outside the room. Casey looks at her.

Casey: Emma is everything alright?
Emma: Remember that night I slept over at your house when I came back to Chicago?
Casey: Yeah, that was a couple of months ago.
Emma: Well I became pregnant. I had no clue really. After I was shot I lost the baby.

Casey lowers his head.

Emma: I'm sorry Matt. I know you wanted to be a father.
Casey: No Emma don't do that. This has nothing to do with me. We both wanted to be parents.

He takes her hand.

Casey: I want to be here for you now and always because I still love you Em.
Emma: I love you too Matt but we can't do this right now. Antonio and I are together.

Casey hugs her.

Casey: I'll still always be here if you need me.

She tightens her hold on him. She looks at the wall with tears in her eyes. Casey comes out to Kelly. Kelly looks up at him.

Casey: What?
Kelly: Nothing ready to go.
Casey: Yeah.

As they are walking past the waiting room Kelly stops.

Kelly: Hey I'll be right out.
Casey: Ok.

He walks over to someone.

Kelly: Antonio?

They walk into the hallway.

Antonio: What did you hear?
Kelly: Emma and Matt slept together. She got pregnant.
Antonio: You have got to be kidding me.

Casey peeks his head around the corner.

Casey: Kelly we have to go.

Antonio glares at Casey. Kelly walks after Casey. Antonio punches the wall. Dr Rhodes walks into Emma's room.

Dr Rhodes: Hey I just signed off on your release papers. Take it easy for at least a few days. Your surgery was minor but could still cause complications.
Emma: Thanks Connor.

Emma comes walking up the steps of the district.

Trudy: Halt right there.

Emma stops and walks over to the front desk.

Emma: What?
Trudy: You were just in the hospital as of this morning last I checked. What window did you jump out of? And which doctor is going to be running in here asking me where you are? Because you are just like your oldest brother and hate hospitals but somehow you Halsteads always end up there.
Emma: Dr Rhodes released me so no worries nobody is busting through the door.
Trudy: What are you doing here?
Emma: I work here.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now