What You Said Could Ruin My Career

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Emma wakes up. There is a knock on the door. Voight pops his head in the room.

Voight: Hey I'm guessing you aren't going to work today.

Emma: No, but a ride to the firehouse would be great.

Voight: Alright get ready I'll take you.

They pull up to the firehouse.

Voight: Be careful ok. I'll see you later.

She walks up to the house. Boden comes walking out on the floor. 

Boden: Hey.

Emma: Hey what are you doing?

Boden: Waiting for rescue to get back. What brings you here?

Emma: I have a question. Dr Rhodes told me to look at a different career. I was wondering if the CFD had anything open.

Boden: There is a spot on Squad and 61. Why?

Emma: Why did you want to become Chief?

Boden: I've always dreamed about being a firefighter so Chief was on the top of my dream list.

Squad pulls back in. 

Boden: Cruz I need to talk with you. 

He turns to Emma.

Boden: If you need anything, 51 is here for you. 

She nods. She walks over to Kelly.

Emma: Hey. Good call?

Kelly: Car accident. Nothing minor. So you're here and not at the district. That is something unusual. Care to explain?

Emma: Boden was talking about opening spots here at 51.

Kelly: Oh. Why?

Emma: Just need a change of scenery.

Kelly: Well know that I'd be happy with you here. 

He hangs his jacket up. He leans against the truck.

Kelly: Are we good?

Emma: Yeah we are good. 

Kelly: Wanna go for a drink at Mollies after shift?

Stella is walking by and hears Emma and him talking. She rolls her eyes but keeps walking. Kelly sees this.

Emma: Sure. I'll see you after shift.

She sees Casey walking out of the firehouse. She walks over. 

Emma: Hey where are you headed, Captain?

Casey: I'm going to drop this arson case off with Voight.

Emma: Can I get a ride there and I'll give it to him?

Casey: Yeah of course.

Emma looks over at Casey as they are on their way to the district. 

Emma: When in your life do you know that it is time to hang up the uniform?

Casey: When I die I'll hang it up. Whether it's tomorrow or years from now. I can't see myself doing anything else. 

Emma: I like that advice.

They pull up to the district. 

Casey: Hey thanks for doing that for me.

Emma: Of course thanks for the ride.

She heads upstairs. When she gets up there, she overhears the superintendent in Voight's office. 

Superintendent: Emma has quite a name for herself throughout the city and she isn't even here to work the case that could get her a bigger name.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now