He's really your father?

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Trudy looks up as she Katie coming up the steps.

Trudy: Behaving yourself?

Emma: Never.

She heads up the stairs. Jay sees her. He nods to her. She smirks.

Emma: What?

Jay: You never made it back home last night.

Emma: Yeah. Uhh.

Jay raises an eyebrow. 

Jay: Emma!

Emma: Ok Mr Halstead but not one word.

She leans in.

Emma: Adam and I "hung" out last night.

Jays mouth and eyes widen.

Jay: Oh my god. No.

She smirks smacking his arm and walks towards Voights office. She knocks.

Voight: Yeah.

Emma: Hey.

Voight: Hey how you feeling?

Emma: Fine. Uh is that dad thing real?

Voight: Why wouldn't it be?

She smiles.

Emma: Thanks.

He nods. She heads out the door. Kevin comes up the steps with Kim.

Kevin: Sarge. We got a problem.

Voight comes out of his office. They all gather around.

Kevin: Detectives picked up Adam this morning when he stopped at a coffee shop. They just brought him downstairs. Trudy left me glance at the evidence and there isn't anything stating he wasn't at the scene. We know he wasn't but the courts aren't going to be able to see that.

Emma goes over to Voight.

Emma: What's going on? I was just with Adam this morning before I came here.
Voight: They have been surveilling him for a few weeks now. We've just been keeping it off the books so that the feds would stay away but apparently something sparked their interest.

She goes into his office with him.

Emma: Let me talk to him. I need information from him. Being a fed I can work around them without them knowing we're involved. 
Voight: Ok but keep it quick and keep me in the loop. 

She goes downstairs. 

Emma: Ruzek let's go. 
Adam: What are you doing?
Emma: Questioning room. Just go along with it.
Adam: Alright. Alright.

They go into the room.

Adam: I'm glad to see you.
Emma: Listen I need all the info.
Adam: I can't.
Emma: You have to if you want out.
Adam: You are going to do something crazy if I tell you.
Emma: Than I'm doing something crazy. What happened to telling me everything?

He looks at her.

Adam: Fine. Leo Harlem and Micheal Borne. 

He gives her all the details.

Emma: Hang in there. You will be out of here soon enough. 

She heads upstairs to Voight.

Emma: Leo Harlem and Micheal Borne. Both were brought up on charges of murder but were never convicted. Micheal is in the hospital after a fight the other night with an officer. I have a plan to get to him. Leo runs a bar on the South Side.
Voight: Emma can I talk to you?

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now