A Dead Man Can't Speak

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Emma heads inside. She walks into the kitchen. Jay is sitting at the island, sipping his beer.

Jay: I didn't know you and Kelly were so close, especially after everything he did.

Emma: Yeah well we talked it out.

Jay: Does talking it out mean making out in his car?

Emma stares at him.

Emma: What are you talking about?

Jay: You think I was going to bed not knowing what my sister was doing and with whom after what went down at the district?

Emma: I don't need a babysitter.

Jay: No but I thought Adam and you were a thing so I must have missed something.

Emma: I didn't know I had to tell you everything. Why are you making a big deal out of this?

Jay: Because I want the sister I knew back, not the one who sneaks behind my back and doesn't tell me anything.

Emma: I am not sneaking around. I just didn't think you needed to know something that wasn't even solidified.

Jay: It would have been nice to know who my sister was with.

Emma: You know what Jay this conversation is done. I'm tired of explaining myself to you.

She walks out of the kitchen and to her room slamming the door.

(The Next Morning)

Emma heads to the kitchen. Jay is cooking breakfast.

Jay: Hey.

Emma looks up at him.

Emma: Did you find the old Emma yet?

He places his hands on her shoulders.

Jay: Yeah she's standing right in front of me.

Emma: Why do you continue to fight with me?

Jay: I just want what's best for you. That's all. I worry about you.

Emma: What for?

Jay: After getting shot you haven't been the same.

Emma: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that after getting shot I was supposed to feel amazing right after.

Jay: Emma that's not what I mean. I just need to understand what's wrong to help you.

Emma: Dr Rhodes was in love with me. He told me to quit CPD so I wouldn't get hurt again. I don't want to do that but what choice do I have Jay? I don't know what to do.

Jay: Why were you with Kelly last night?

Emma: We were just talking about life.

Jay: I know you are in love with him and he loves you back.

Emma: Maybe.

Jay: I also know you and him are together.

Emma: What?

Jay: Kelly asked me the other night if it was ok if you two dated. I told him to wait for you.

Emma: So you're ok with it?

Jay: Yes. I trust Kelly. I just told him to look out for you and to take good care of you. You're my youngest sibling. I don't want to see anything happen to you.

They hug.

Emma: I'm sorry. I haven't found my place in Chicago since I've been back home. I'm trying.

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