I Just Feel As If I'm Running In The Wrong Direction

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Emma sits at Mollies. Herman slides a beer to her.

Herman: You alright?

Emma: Herman I just don't know what to do. So many things are happening right now.

Herman: Let me offer you some advice. Stop questioning every decision you make because you make them for some reason in life. 

She smiles.

Emma: You always know what to say. 

Herman: That has been said about me.

Boden comes up beside her.

Boden: May I sit?

Emma: Of course.

Herman smiles and walks away.

Boden: That was a heck of a heist you pulled off yesterday.

She looks at him.

Emma: Thanks.

Boden: Everything ok?

Emma: My life just keeps going in different directions other than where I want it to go.

Boden: You are the only one that can make it that way.

Emma: I know Chief I just feel as if I am running it in the wrong direction.

She is staring at Casey. Boden takes a sip of his drink.

Emma: Was it wrong of me to break up with Matt?

Boden: Not if it bettered you.

Emma: I just needed time.

Boden: Don't spend it drinking it's only gonna make it worse.

She puts a 20 down. Herman looks over. 

Herman: Keep it you know the drinks are on me.

Emma: How the heck are you making money around this joint?

Herman: You know how many drunks walk out of here? It's fine. 

Emma: Ok fine, let it buy chief his drinks.

She finishes her beer and sets the bottle down. She walks out.

Boden: Emma!

Emma is walking down the street. A car drives by opening their window. Shots ring out.  Paramedics rush over to her and put her on a stretcher. They rush off to the hospital. 

Emma is lying in the hospital with a tube in. Dr Rhodes is sitting in the corner of the room resting his head against the wall. Dr Manning walks in, handing him a cup of coffee. 

Dr Manning: Hey Connor. Is she your only patient for the day?

Dr Rhodes: As of right now. Unless an unexpected surgery comes up. I was headed home when I saw the paramedics pull up with her. I scrubbed in. 

Dr Manning: Is she coming around?

Dr Rhodes: Hard to say. There hasn't been much activity from her. 

Dr Manning: What keeps you in here?

Dr Rhodes: The beeping of that machine. I know she's still alive if I hear it.

Dr Manning: If you need anything you let me know.

Dr Rhodes: I will. 

Natalie walks out. Emma's monitor beeps to alert Dr Rhodes she is waking up. He stands up and starts to pull the tube out. Emma opens her eyes. She looks at Dr Rhodes.

Dr Rhodes: Hey you're ok. You were walking home and got shot in a drive-by. Intelligence is already looking into it. 

Emma: Again?

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