No News Is Good News

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Emma is walking up the steps towards the bullpen. Voight comes out of his office.

Voight: Dr. Rhodes is in my office.

Emma: Is everything ok?
Voight: He didn't say.

She heads into Voight's office and closes the door.

Emma: Dr. Rhodes this is unexpected.

Dr Rhodes: Emma how are you doing?
Emma: I've been in some pain lately but other than that I'm doing fine. Everything ok? 
Dr Rhodes: I have some bad news.
Emma: Ok what is it?
Dr Rhodes: When I reviewed your charts after being shot, it showed that you had suffered a miscarriage. We did not catch it right away and I thought you should know. 
Emma: I was pregnant?
Dr Rhodes: You were. I'm sorry Emma.
Emma: Oh my god.

Emma starts to get really shaky.

Dr Rhodes: Emma you alright?

She sinks to the floor unconscious.

Dr Rhodes: Someone call 911! Hey Emma stay with me!

Voight comes running in with Jay.

Voight: What happened?
Dr Rhodes: She collapsed. I'm not sure why.

Dispatch: 911 what's your emergency?

Voight holds the phone closer to Connor.

Dr Rhodes: We need an ambulance at the 21st District. Connor Rhodes surgeon at Chicago Med. I have a female 20 unconscious. Breathing is ragged. No external signs of injury.
Dispatch: 61 is around the corner.

Dr. Rhodes lifts Emma off of the ground and runs her out the back to the ambulance. Brett comes around the side. Foster pulls the stretcher out. Dr. Rhodes lays her down on it.

Dr Rhodes: She fell unconscious. Pulse is steady.

Foster listens to her chest.

Foster: It sounds like she's bleeding internally. Let's get her into the ambo.

They push her in. Dr. Rhodes and Jay hop in with her. Brett gets in the driver's seat and pulls away.

Foster: Is there anything you can do for her right now?
Dr Rhodes: No if she is bleeding internally I need her in the OR to find where she is bleeding from.

He looks up front. He points to the radio.

Dr Rhodes: May I?

Brett nods. He picks it up.

Dr Rhodes: This is Connor Rhodes. We have a female 20 unconscious. Possible internal bleeding. I need the OR prepped and ready to go when we pull in.
Maggie: Copy that Connor.

They arrive at the hospital. Dr Rhodes opens the back door. Dr Choi comes out.

Dr Choi: You need help?
Dr Rhodes: No I got her. Is the OR ready?
Dr Choi: Yeah April is waiting up there for you.

He pushes the stretcher inside. Jay walks inside. Will comes over.

Will: I just saw Connor rushing Emma upstairs. Everything alright?
Jay: No idea. She was talking with him and then she collapsed. He said possible internal bleeding.
Will: Hey she is going to be ok.

Jay looks at him.

(An hour later)

Jay is pacing in the waiting room. Voight looks up at him.

Voight: Why don't you sit here?
Jay: I can't. She is not ok and we haven't heard anything from Connor yet.
Voight: No news is good news. You know that.

Dr Rhodes pokes his head in the waiting room. Jay walks over to him with Voight. Will comes over.

Dr Rhodes: Hey guys Emma surgery's went well. She is awake and stable.
Jay: Can we go see her?
Dr Rhodes: Absolutely. Follow me.

They walk back into the room. Jay walks over to the bedside. He takes Emma's hand.

Jay: Hey how you feeling?
Emma: I feel like I just had a major surgery.

He smirks.

Emma: What happened?
Jay: You were bleeding internally. Dr Rhodes was at the district delivering news to you and you collapsed in Voights office. Brett and Foster rushed you here and Connor took you right to surgery.

She looks at Dr Rhodes.

Emma: I'm ok?
Dr Rhodes: Surgery went well. Casey donated some blood and you're back to being as good as new.
Emma: Thanks Connor. I appreciate it.

He nods stepping out of the room. She looks at Jay.

Emma: Thanks for sticking around to make sure I was ok.
Jay: Of course Em.

She nods to Voight.

Voight: I'll let everyone know you're ok.

He walks out. Will pats her arm.

Will: I gotta get back out there. I'm glad you're ok.
Emma: Thanks Will.

He walks out. She looks at Jay.

Emma: Are YOU ok?
Jay: I just had a hard time knowing you weren't ok. I just got my sister back I don't want to lose that.
Emma: Jay I'm a Halstead I ain't going anywhere.

He smiles.

Jay: I'll let Antonio know you're alright. He was all worried. He's stuck on a case right now and can't come in. Get some rest.
Emma: Thanks Jay.

He walks out. Dr Rhodes walks in. Emma smiles at him.

Emma: You're saving my life again.

He pulls up a chair next to the bed.

Dr Rhodes: Your life is worth saving.
Emma: The baby thing was real?
Dr Rhodes: Yeah.

She nods.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now