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Dispatch: Squad 3, Truck 81, Engine 51, Ambulance 61 structure fire Park St warehouse.

They come onto the floor and start throwing their gear on. Casey grabs his gear off the truck. Brett looks over.

Brett: How's Emma holding up?
Casey: She's back at work.
Brett: Already? I'm going to need to knock some sense into that girl.
Casey: Please do.

They take off.

Voight: (This is Sargent Voight I have multiple officers trapped inside of the warehouse on Park St.)

Casey grabs his radio.

Casey: (Severide did you hear that)
Kelly: (Breathe Casey. I'm sure she didn't go in)

They pull up. Casey jumps out of the truck and goes running over.

Casey: Voight is Emma in there.
Voight: Yeah. The whole team is in there. Casey I'm sorry we were just looking for evidence. The whole building went up in flames.

Casey whips around.

Casey: Chief she can't inhale smoke right now.
Boden: Alright rescue truck get in there and help try to find them. If you come across Emma she comes out first. Herman let's get a line in there.
Herman: Copy that Chief.

Kelly goes in with Casey next to him.

Kelly: Fire department call out.
Hailey: Kelly.
Kelly: Hailey. Who's in there with you. Hailey: Jay. Kim and Kevin went downstairs and Adam and Emma went upstairs.
Casey: Joe, Capp work on getting them out. Stella, Mouch work on getting downstairs. Kelly and I will work our way upstairs. Hang in there Hailey. Help is coming.
Boden: (Casey I need a report. What's it look like in there)
Casey: (Chief it's fully engulfed. We can barely see and the floor is very unsteady.)

Flames engulf the windows outside.

Boden: (Casey you got two minutes. Hurry it up.)
Casey: (Copy that.)

Kevin grabs Kim.

Kevin: We have to find our way back to the stairs.
Kim: Alright.

Emma looks at Adam.

Emma: I'm starting to get really lightheaded.

Adam takes off his jacket and covers her face.

Adam: We gotta go now.

All of a sudden a loud explosion knocks everybody off their feet. Boden and Voight stand back up. Brett and Foster look at each other.

Boden: (Casey what happened in there. Casey.)(Casey!)
Casey: (Chief the second and first floor fell into what I think is the basement. It was a hard fall. I have no idea how anyone is. It's a fire storm down here.)
Boden: (Casey find a way out of there now.)
Casey: (Working on it Chief.)

Kevin picks Kim up.

Kim: What happened.
Kevin: I think the floor collapsed. We gotta get out of here now.

Hailey looks over at Jay.

Hailey: You ok.

He grunts.

Jay: My leg.

She looks down and there are bricks laying on his leg. Herman radios to Chief.

Herman: (The fire is getting worse Chief. I'm going to work on rescue efforts.)
Chief: (I'm coming in. We gotta move.)

Kelly and Casey come upon Adam.

Casey: Adam where is Emma.
Adam: I don't know I was holding her when the floor fell. We got separated. I can't find her.
Casey: Emma. Emma!
Kelly: Emma call out.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now