We Don't Babysit

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Emma wakes up in Caseys apartment. He looks at her.

Casey: Morning sunshine.
Emma: Lets pretend we are sick and stay home today.
Casey: I'd like that.

He pulls her close to him. Her phone starts ringing.

Emma: Ughhhh.

Casey laughs. She picks it up.

Emma: Halstead.
Voight: Hey can you come in early I want you to meet someone?
Emma: Yeah I'll be there soon.

Casey looks at her.

Casey: How's that staying home working for you.
Emma: Yeah haha very funny.

She gets dressed. He grabs her in a hug.

Casey: Be safe out there Detective.

She kisses him.

Emma: You too captain.

She shows up to the district. Trudy stops her on her way up the stairs.

Trudy: Tread lightly with your words Halstead. This one is a handful. Tried to get me into a 20 minute long conversation. I sent him upstairs before he had the chance.
Emma: Great.

She gets upstairs. Voight ushers her into his office. Jay and Adam are standing there. A tall man is standing there in a suit.

Jay: Good morning.

Emma nods.

Voight: Mr Peters this is Senior Detective Emma Halstead. Emma this is Benjamin Peters. He is a businessman on 32nd street.
Mr Peters: Miss Halstead it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard you're a great detective.
Emma: Flattering really.

Jay smirks. Adam looks at him.

Adam: What are we doing here?
Mr Peters: I need you all to watch over my daughter today. She is coming to town from a state prison and many people will be on the verge of hunting her down.

Emma looks at him.

Emma: So we are your security guards?
Mr Peters: Yeah basically.

She looks at Voight then to Mr Peters.

Emma: We are detectives we don't babysit.
Voight: You three will watch after Mr Peters daughter until patrol arrives to take over.
Emma: Great.

Mr Peters walks out. Voight looks at them.

Voight: Hey you three take it easy. Anything goes sideways radio.

They walk out.

Adam: Hey.

Emma turns to him.

Emma: Yeah.
Adam: I didn't want to say anything yesterday. I know it was a big day. And I'm happy for you and Matt don't get me wrong. But your pregnancy threw me off a bit. I mean I know we weren't dating for long but Matt and you haven't been together for a while either.
Emma: Yeah it threw me off too but in all honesty Adam you and I didn't do anything. Matt and I had. And we were. For awhile. I'm sorry.
Adam: Don't apologize. You found your guy and I'm happy for you.

She nods. Adam looks out the window. They walk outside. A limo rolls up.

Emma: (under her breath) You wonder why people are after them.

Adam laughs.

Ben: Ladies first.

Emma crosses her arms.

Emma: I'll walk instead.

Adam gets right in.

Adam: First limo ride. You're going to skip out on it.
Emma: Yes.
Mr Peters: Umm ok.

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