I'm In

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A cab pulls up outside of Mollies. A girl gets out and walks towards the door. Voight, Antonio, and Jay are sitting inside.

Antonio: Nope Jay knew better than to keep talking. He would have ended up in cuffs himself.
Jay: Yeah well that guy is lucky I have a job that makes me follow the laws in place or I would have flattened his ass in front of everyone.

Emma walks in looking around. She goes up to the bar. Casey looks over.

Casey: Oh my god. Is that Emma?

Sylvie turns around.

Brett: I believe it is.

She turns and looks at him.

Brett: Are u ok?
Casey: It's just been a couple of months since I've seen her. You know before we broke up.
Brett: You went to New York and saw her a couple months ago but nobody else has seen her for four years.
Casey: Why do you think she's here?
Brett: Hard to say. But Hanks over in the corner with Jay and Antonio so I'm sure it won't be peaceful for long.

Herman comes over to her.

Herman: Emma? My goodness it's been so long!

He looks around.

Herman: You know it's not a good idea to be here.
Emma: There is no reason I can't be here. The court said one year.

Jay glances in that direction.

Jay: Sarge.

He nods towards the bar.

Voight: What is she doing here?

Voight Jay and Antonio stand up and walk over to her.

Antonio: You were told you weren't allowed back in Chicago.
Emma: Nice to see you all too.
Voight : You are under arrest for breaking court orders.
Emma: You can't arrest me. The court stated I was to leave Chicago for one year until I got my life back on track. It's been almost four.
Voight: Watch me find something to put on you. And for being a cop before you know how easy that is.
Emma: We'll see about that.

Emma gets up and stops in front of Jay. She stares into his eyes. She walks off. She sits across from Boden.

Boden: Emma? When did you get back?
Emma: I came back this morning. Thankfully there are people happy to see me, unlike every single cop in this room. Chief what am I to do?
Boden: It's up to you to decide what to do. You know the truth so do you need to prove that to them or do you want to leave it alone?
Emma: How do I know it'll be the right decision?
Boden: When the times right, you'll know.
Emma: Thanks Chief.

She gets up. Casey sees her walking towards him. Brett gets up to give them
some privacy. Emma sits down.

Emma: Is now a good time?
Casey: Sure.
Emma: Matt I promise you with whatever honesty I hold in me that I would never ever compromise our relationship or my job for revenge. What happened is not the truth and I promise you the truth will come out.
Casey: What do you mean?
Emma: I never murdered that family. I can promise you that.

She stands up. He looks confused and watches her go. She walks over to where Voight and them are sitting.

Emma: Voight you want to play? Let's play. Arrest me on the murder of Wilson Grey and his family but be prepared for the consequences.
Voight: So you are admitting that you did it?
Emma: I'm telling the truth.

Antonio stands up. He puts handcuffs on her.

Antonio: You are under arrest for murder.

They all get up to leave. Herman is staring on in disbelief.

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