Defiance and Bears

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Emma is laying in the hospital bed. Adam walks in.

Emma: Hey. When can I get out of here?
Will: Well Dr Manning and Marcel both hopefully think today.

Dr Marcel comes in.

Crockett: Hey Emma. How you feeling?
Emma: I'm doing fine.
Crockett: Good. You have a minor concussion. No spinal problems. So you're looking at desk work for a couple days.
Emma: Great.

He looks at Adam.

Crockett: Can you drive her home.
Adam: No actually I just called Voight he's on his way to pick us up.
Crockett: Perfect. As soon as he gets here you are good to go.
Emma: Thanks Crockett.

He looks at Emma.

Crockett: Feel better.
Emma: Thanks.

Adam helps Emma up. She looks into his eyes smiling. He helps her out the entrance. Voight pulls up.

Voight: You two ready to go?
Adam: Yeah Sarge.
Voight: Report to Trudy when we get back.

Adam looks at him.

Adam: Trudy?
Voight: That's what I said.
Adam: Oh my.
Voight: Something wrong Ruzek.
Adam: Nope.
Voight: Good.

He shakes his head at Emma. They get back to the district. Jay comes down the steps with Hailey.

Jay: Hey there.

Emma turns around and hugs him.

Jay: I'm guessing desk work with the boss.

Trudy looks at him.

Trudy: Tread lightly Halstead.

He puts his hand up in surrender.

Jay: All good Sarge.

He looks at Emma.

Jay: I'll see you later.

Hailey and him leave. Trudy looks at them.

Trudy: Both of you. Work on filing cases. Any that have been stamped as closed put in a pile. Alright?

Emma and Adam look at each other. Emma picks one up.

Emma: Adam look at this. This case hasn't been closed in years. I was the one who found the little boy but never the killer.

He looks at her.

Adam: Hey Trudy or Hank never said we couldn't work the cases from the desk.
Emma: Hey great idea. Alright this was their lead suspect. Tony Wilson.

She pulls out a photo.

Adam: Welp let's pay Mr Wilson a visit.

They try to sneak out. Trudy sees them.

Trudy: Hey get out of here. I saw that case and stuck it on top to help you. Go just be careful you two.
Adam: And what about Voight?
Trudy: Voights in on the whole thing.
Adam and Emma: Ok?

Emma stops.

Emma: What about Dr Marcels orders?
Trudy: For god sake when was the last time either of you followed doctors orders?

Emma looks at her.

Trudy: Ok then. Be gone.

They head to the judges office. Judge Lash sees her.

Judge Lash: Emma long time no see.
Emma: Your Honor.
Judge Lash: That's the face of determination.
Emma: Yes I need you to do me a favor.
Judge Lash: Like what?

The team pulls up to Mr Wilson's house.

Voight: Emma Kim Adam you take the back. We will cover the front.
Kim: Copy that.

They head around the back.

Adam: Sarge we are good.
Voight: So are we. Go.

They head inside. Emma sees a kid sitting at the table.

Emma: Hey Buddy. I'm Emma. I'm a cop. Where is your dad?

He points to the bedroom.

Emma: (Alright Adam I have a kid in the kitchen I'm sending him out to you.)
Adam: Copy that.
Emma: Hey buddy there is a nice policeman waiting outside for you. Go on now.

He heads out. They head into the bedroom.

Emma: Kim hey we are clear. No one is in here.

She turns around. Kim's not there.

Emma: Burgess where did you go?

She turns the corner and Tony is holding a gun to Kim's head. Emma points her gun at him.

Emma: Let her go now.
Tony: Or what.
Emma: You'll drop faster than you can count to three.

The team comes through the door.

Adam: Drop the weapon now.

Kim trips him.

Kim: Stay down.

Emma kicks the gun away. Adam takes him outside. The team files out behind. Trudy is standing there.

Trudy: Well case closed.

Emma smirks. Voight looks at Emma.

Voight: Hey Emma a word please. Look you can say no but I'm looking for a head detective. You know I'm not always gonna be around.
Emma: You know what Jay would be the perfect person for the job.
Voight: What.
Emma: Listen at my rate I'm going to get fired. Jay has dreamt about filling your shoes. Why don't you talk to him.
Voight: I did and he gave your name.
Emma: Like brother like sister.

He looks at her.

Voight : Come on.

He nods to his car. She sits inside with him.

Voight: Look as much as I trust Jay you have a little more experience and you're good at keeping the team together. Look at them.

She sees them all laughing and fist bumping each other.

Voight: You may not know it but they look up to you.
Emma: Well how about when the time comes we'll figure it out.
Voight: Sounds good.

They step out.

Jay: Alright y'all there's a Bears game to get to.

The team and fire department are tailgating. Jay is talking with Emma. Adam comes walking over. Emma hugs him.

Kevin: Hey welcome back officially.
Adam: Thanks.

A fight breaks out on the street.

Kevin: God even when we have off we never have off.
Casey: Yeah welcome to Chicago the city that never sleeps.

Emma and Jay run over to break it up.

Emma: Hey hey knock it off. Y'all need to chill.
Guy: What are you going to do about it?

She lifts up her shirt to show her badge.

Emma: I'll arrest you.
Guy: Alright I'm sorry Officer.
Joe: Yo you're scary.
Emma: That's nothing compared to when I'm actually playing detective.

He laughs. Boden comes up to her.

Boden: I miss you over at 51.
Emma: Really.
Boden: Yeah really. You would have been a great firefighter.

She looks at him. Their radios all go off at once. Ambo 61, Rescue Squad 3, Ladder 81, Engine 51, intelligence report to fourth street near the woods for a fight and road blockage in process. They jump in and get there.

Emma: (Dispatch there isn't a fight on fourth street.)

A whole bunch of cars come driving towards them.

Voight and Boden: Brace yourselves.

All you can hear is sirens and screams for help

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now