You Almost Died

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Intelligence all gathers around the bullpen. Voight comes out of his office.

Hailey: Where's Emma?
Voight: Emma took some time off.
Adam: Sarge we're down two detectives.
Voight: We'll make it work.

(Back at the firehouse)

Emma and Kelly are walking through the apparatus floor.

Kelly: Ready for today?
Emma: As ready as I'm going to be.

He walks ahead of her into the common room. She rounds the corner and everyone is looking in her direction. Emma stands there staring at all of them.

Boden: Emma welcome officially to Firehouse 51.
Herman: Who is she riding with Chief?
Boden: Rescue.
Casey, Kelly, Herman: Rescue?

Kelly smiles at her

Boden: Is there a problem?
Casey: No Chief.
Boden: Good then. Everyone be safe out there.

Chief heads out.

Herman: Breakfast time! Ritter what are we serving?
Ritter: Well....

The bell rings.

Dispatch: Rescue Squad 3, Ambulance 61 Car accident.
Ritter: A fire call.

Kelly grabs bread and heads out the door. Brett pats Emma on the back.

Emma: Is this going to be a daily thing?
Brett: You better get use to not sitting down.

Emma laughs. She gets up in the truck.

Joe: Hey welcome to 51.
Emma: Thanks.
Joe: If you don't mind me asking. Why did you change from being a detective?
Emma: I'm trying something new.
Joe: Too bad. You were a good cop.

Kelly glances back.

Emma: Yeah.

They arrive at the scene.

Kelly: Emma you're with me. Joe Mills you two together. Capp Tony.

They start working on getting the people out of the cars and into the ambulance. Intelligence pulls up.

Brett: Alright that's the last one. Thanks guys.
Kelly: Alright lets clean up and head back.

Kevin looks over.

Kevin: Sarge I thought you said Emma was taking some time off to recover after what happened to Jay.
Voight: She is.
Kevin: In a fire uniform?

Voight looks over. Emma makes eye contact with them and walks around to the other side of the truck. Kelly comes over with equipment.

Emma: I'll help put it away.
Kelly: You don't have to, it's a set of jaws and a cutter.
Emma: Pds here. Trying to distract myself.
Kelly: Yeah there was a death. They have to investigate. Make sure it wasn't intentional.

She looks up at him.

Kelly: You didn't tell them did you?
Emma: No Voights the only one who knows...until now.

Adam rounds the corner to talk to Kelly. Emma turns around and walks right into him.

Adam: What are you doing?
Emma: Adam I....
Adam: Voight said you were out recovering from what happened to Jay.
Emma: Adam....
Adam: He never said you were doing that by joining CFD.
Emma: After what happened to Jay I can't see that again!
Adam: I've seen you get shot and almost die and I haven't wanted to quit. That's not a good reason.
Emma: Fine. Dr Rhodes told me I was going to die if I continue to fight for my life every time I get shot.
Adam: I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Do you want to go for a drink? We can talk about this.
Emma: No Adam I don't. I have other things to be doing than going out for a drink.
Adam: Emma.
Emma: Excuse me.

Emma Halstead Where stories live. Discover now