Life Changes

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***We are fast forwarding a few months in between Katie and Emma's story.

Emma walks out of Sylvie's room with her wedding dress on.

Brett: Can I please open my eyes now?
Emma: Ok.

Sylvie opens them. Tears come to her eyes. 

Brett: Oh my goodness. You look beautiful.
Emma: Oh my stop it's just a dress.
Brett: Girl please.

Emma laughs.

Emma: Are you sure you were 100% into letting Matt go?
Brett: I think it's too late for that question. Besides the Chaplin and I are doing well.
Emma: That's great Sylvie. I'm really happy for you.
Brett: Thanks. And might I say even with the little one in there you really know how to pop off in that dress.
Emma: That's good because I'm due in a few days and I haven't been feeling so good.
Brett: Hang in there. It will be here and over with soon enough. For now let's get you married.

Sylvie helps Emma out the door.

Casey steps out in his tux. Kelly, Jay, and Will are standing there.

Jay: Look at you.

He laughs.

Casey: Is this ok? I don't know if I chose the right one.
Will: You look fine. Stop worrying. Emma loves you for you and honestly I don't think she's really going to care what suit you're wearing.
Kelly: Agreed. Now I'm going to get the car ready before we are late. We can't leave the bride waiting.

Jay and Will stand up.

Jay: Hey Emma is our little sister. We know you will take care of her but it's a little Halstead brother thing to look out for her.
Casey: You guys don't have to worry. She will be ok.
Jay: We know. You're a lucky guy Matt.

Kelly honks the horn.

Casey: That I am.

They get in the car.

Back at the firehouse, Boden is barking orders to everyone.

Boden: Hey let's move they're going to be here soon. I need everything to be in place and perfect.
Herman: Chief breathe everything is good. People are beginning to take their seats.
Boden: I called us off duty to make sure this wedding goes smoothly Christopher and I'm not going to let anything go wrong.
Herman: Whatever you say.
Boden: Joe do you have the rings.

Joe feels his pockets.

Joe: We might have a problem.
Herman: Joe are you serious.
Boden: I gave you one job Cruz. Look after the wedding rings that was it. I swear to god if they aren't found I will....

Adam holds out the box.

Adam: Let's all breathe they were sitting up front. We are all going to be ok.
Joe: Thank you.
Mouch: Chief why are you stressing so much.
Boden: I just want everything to be perfect for her. She deserves this and to be happy.
Herman: And she will be no matter if everything is perfect or not. The only thing that needs to happen is her and Casey saying I do.

Kelly's car pulls up.

Boden: Groom is here.

Jay walks over to Voight.

Jay: Ready to do this?

Voight nods. Kelly pats Chiefs back.

Kelly: Everything looks great. You did good.

Boden takes a deep breath. Kelly and Will go take their places up front. Casey steps out.

Boden: Hey you ready to do this?
Casey: Ready to marry my girl? Absolutely.

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