He Tried To Save Me

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Intelligence is sitting at a bar. Emma and Jay are waiting for their drinks.

Jay: How are you?
Emma: Stressed out.
Jay: It's going to be ok Em.
Emma: I know.

Adam comes over.

Jay: Hey.
Adam: Mind if I get a minute with Emma?
Jay: Sure. I'll be back.

He leans into Adam.

Jay: Take it easy something is bothering her.
Adam: I will.

Jay grabs the drinks and heads over to the rest of the team. Adam stands next to her.

Adam: Can this be the drink I've been asking for?
Emma: Sure.
Adam: So what's wrong with you?
Emma: Nothing.
Adam: Don't say nothing. I know you too well.
Emma: Adam. You don't know me. You work with me. And I'm fine.
Adam: I know you're lying. On another note, how are you and Kelly?
Emma: Why do you care?
Adam: Geez. I'm just trying to have a conversation.
Emma: Don't go that route Adam. What's the real reason you wanted to talk?
Adam: I just wanted to sit down with my partner for a drink that's all.
Emma: I'm sorry but I don't right now. Ok get lost.
Adam: I'm only trying to help.
Emma: What? To help yourself get with me. Is that what you are trying to help?

He looks at her puzzled.

Adam: Are u serious?
Emma: Yeah I am serious. Have a good night.

She gets up and goes to the door.

Adam: Emma. Emma come on wait.

He runs outside after her. Emma is walking down the street crying.

Adam: Emma. Emma come on let's talk about this.

He catches up to her.

Adam: Emma wait.
Emma: Leave me alone Adam. I don't want to talk to you.

A car comes flying out them. Adam jumps in front and grabs Emma.

It's raining. There is a car smoking with its lights flickering. The team comes running out. The driver tries to take off. Kevin jumps him.

Kevin: You are not going anywhere.

Jay looks over and sees someone hunched over a body.

Jay: EMMA!!!!!!

He runs over to her. She is covered in blood. She is holding someone. Tears are falling out of her eyes.

Emma: (shakily) He tried to save me. He jumped in front of the car. I was just fighting with him Jay.
Voight: (I need an ambo at my location. We have two officers involved in an accident)

Emma falls into Jays. Adam is laying there with blood all over his face and chest. He is barely breathing. The ambulance pulls up to the scene.

Paramedic: What do we have?
Jay: Male officer hit by the car here. Agonal breathing. Lots of blood loss.
Paramedic: Thanks we got it from here.

The ambulance loads Adam up. As they are closing the doors, the paramedic comes over to Emma. He wraps a blanket around her.

Paramedic: We should get you to the hospital. That's an awful amount of blood.
Emma: It's not mine.
Paramedic: Well I know you were hit by the car too. If it was up to me I'd go get checked out.
Emma: Ok I will.
Paramedic: Wanna ride with us?
Emma: No I'll head there soon.
Paramedic: Alright.

He takes off.

Jay: Why don't we go get cleaned up and then we will figure this all out.

She nods. Jay walks down the sidewalk with her. They walk up to a door. Jay knocks. Herman comes over and unlocks the door. He opens it.

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