Targeted Part 2

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It's now night time. Kim, Kevin, and Adam are sitting together. Jay is sitting next to Hailey. Herman and Ritter are sitting next to Mouch. Stella, Brett, and Foster are sitting together. Capp and Tony are sitting next to Joe. Boden is sitting with Kelly and Casey. Natalie walks over.

Natalie: If you are injured in any way we are going to check you out now while we are waiting.

She walks over to Casey. She removes his gauze.

Natalie: Looks to me just like a deep laceration. You are going to need stitches once we can get to the hospital. For now I'm going to put new gauze on.
Casey: Thanks.

Crockett walks over to Kevin.

Crockett: How's the arm feeling.
Kevin: It's alright.
Crockett: I don't want to remove the metal without surgery cause it may damage something else. For now we are just going to keep applying pressure. If you feel any changes let me know.
Kevin: Will do.
Crockett: Kim Adam you two ok.
Kim: Yeah.
Adam: All good here.

He walks away. Will walks over to Stella.

Will: You three ok.
Brett: We are good. How are you.
Will: I don't know how to wrap my head around this right now.

Natalie walks over to Boden.

Natalie: Chief how you feeling.
Chief: I'm good thanks.
Natalie: Kelly lets check the head. I'm thinking concussion. Nothing too serious though.
Kelly: Great.
Natalie: Same deal as Casey you might need some stitches when we can get to the hospital.

Crockett walks over to Jay.

Crockett: I already know the answer but how are you.
Jay: My sister is nowhere to be found. How do you think I am.

He looks at Hailey.

Crockett: You good Hailey.
Hailey: I'm in so much pain.
Crockett: Alright I'll give you some pain meds to try and help you relax. When we get to the hospital I'll be able to get a good look and see what's going on.

Natalie walks over to Herman and Ritter.

Natalie: You two ok.
Herman: We are good. How's Mouch.
Natalie: He's stable for now.
Herman: Thanks Natalie.

Will walks over to Joe.

Will: Bringing back the heart rhythm buddy that's great. Tony hows the head.
Tony: Doing fine.

Casey looks at Boden.

Casey: This is horrible. We have no way to get back home, to the hospital nothing.
Boden: Hey everyone is accounted for at this point and stable. That's all that matters.

Jay stands up and walks away. Will follows him.

Will: Hey you ok.
Jay: No Will. My sister and sergeant are being presumed dead. It's been five hours still nothing.
Will: Our sister.

Jay looks at him.

Jay: I'm sorry.
Will: Jay I know that this is hard but you need to be here for your team and Hailey right now ok.

Casey comes over.

Casey: You guys ok.
Jay: As good as can be when we are in the middle of nowhere at 10 something at night with no chance of communicating with anyone.
Casey: I'm sorry about Emma and Voight.

Jay looks at him.

Jay: How can we just give up searching. I thought that was our job. To never give up on people.
Casey: I'm sorry Jay we have to presume the worst we can't find the car.

Jay shakes his head.

Will: Thanks Casey.
Casey: Yeah.

They all go sit back down. Hailey calls out for Jay. Jay goes over to her.

Hailey: Where are we?
Jay: You are in triage. We are waiting for help to come.
Hailey: Im fine can I sit up.
Jay: No you sustained a head injury we are waiting for an ambulance to come.
Hailey: Just call Sylvie.

Brett comes over.

Brett: What's wrong Hailey.
Hailey: Can't you get me into the ambo.
Brett: No the ambo is wrecked. Just try to stay relaxed.

Back at the hospital Sharon looks at Maggie.

Sharon: I haven't been able to get a hold of Dr Marcel, Manning or Halstead for hours.
Maggie: They have little cell devices have you tried them.
Sharon: No good idea.

They look.

Sharon: Ok I've pinpointed them. They are all in the same place. In the middle of the woods. Two hours away. Grab police ambulances whatever we can and let's get over there.
Ethan: Hey Sharon.
Sharon: Yes Dr Choi.
Ethan: There hasn't been any word from 51 or Intelligence either.
Sharon: Ok maybe something happened let's go.

Voight is sitting in the car still holding Emma's hand. He is trying to push on the doors windows everything. Nothing is working. He hears muffled sounds. He begins pounding on the doors.

Voight: I need some help in here.

Adam is sitting on the ground. He begins hearing pounding.

Adam: Kim hey you hear that.
Kim: Yeah.
Adam: Hey everybody be quiet for a moment.

Everyone is silent. The pounding has gotten louder.

Casey: Alright someone is alive. Let's find out where.

Kelly runs over.

Kelly: Fire department call out.
Voight: Kelly.
Kelly: Voight.
Voight: Yeah. The car I believe is under one of the fire trucks.

Kelly looks at Casey.

Kelly: That's why we couldn't see them.

All of them begin pulling to move intelligences truck. They move it enough to get in. Jay runs up.

Jay: Sarge.
Voight: Jay.
Jay: Where's Emma.

Adam and everyone standing there stops and looks at him.

Voight: She's gone Jay I'm sorry.
Jay: No no she isn't.

Will grabs Jay.

Will: Hey let's focus on getting Hank out ok.
Jay: I can't.

He sits down on the curb. Adam looks at Casey and Kelly. They open the back door. Brett goes through the back.

Brett: Ok Hank this is going to hurt.

Capp begins to cut the metal off the door. Once it is free they secure Voight onto a back board. They bring him over and cover his leg tightly. Casey looks at Boden.

Casey: What are we going to do about Em.

Everyone is standing in a circle. No one steps up.

Boden: Just cover her for now. We will figure it out then.

Casey takes a sheet from Brett. He walks over. He lays it over her. He comes back with tears in his eyes. Adam looks up.

Adam: It's finally happened.
Kelly: I never thought it would. She was too tough for that. It just doesn't make sense.

The hospital team pulls in.

Ethan: Oh my what happened here.

Sharon steps out. Everyone looks at her.

Sharon: Hey y'all ok.
Boden: Hanging in there. We have several people who need transportation to the hospital and one death.
Sharon: Alright the people who need to go first will get in an ambo. But everyone here gets checked out. Understood.
Boden: Yes ma'am.
Sharon: Alright. And Boden.
Boden: Yes Miss Goodwin.
Sharon: Where is our victim?
Boden: Over there. Still in the car.
Sharon: A name Boden.

He looks at her.

Boden: Emma Halstead

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