Reader part 3

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When I arrived back at the hotel, L was alone, and there were two new monitors sitting beside the one that showed Misa.

The other two showed Light and Chief Yagami. L explained that Chief Yagami had asked to be detained shortly after I left with his son. He didn't like seeing his son handcuffed. Aizawa and Matsuda took him and left for the night. Mogi had completed his day at the police station.

I informed him of everything I had seen in Light's memories. I began with Misa finding where Light lives and showing him her Shinigami. I told him the story she told Light about why she wanted to contact him, as well as her obsession with Light as her savior. I would tell him of the promise from Misa's Shinigami to execute him if Misa's life was in danger.

I explained about how Misa had given up her notebook and lost all of her memories pertaining to the Death Note and Kira, including that Light is Kira

I finished with telling L that Light hid his notebook in the woods, and how he had his Shinigami make fake rules is Misa's notebook to throw us off track.

Misa's Shinigami was promptly told to find a greedy human in a position of power.

"Light plans to lose his memories and end up on the taskforce to prove his innocence. He plans to be close to you, so that when we discover this new Kira, he can execute him and regain his memories and title of Kira. After that, if Misa is still alive, she will find the hidden notebook and her Shinigami will kill you."

I told him that he didn't like her, that he felt that she is too much of a liability. The only reason she isn't already dead is because her Shinigami will kill him if he hurts her. Apparently, a Shinigami will die if they attempt to save a human's life.

From this new information we came up with a new strategy that would allow us to spare Misa, and therefore L's, life.

Even though I know where the hidden notebook is located, L feels I should wait to retrieve it. We don't know if Light or his Shinigami would be aware of its discovery or removal. Therefore, he wants me to get it sometime after Light loses his memories. He also wanted me to wait until his new building was completed and we have moved in.

I also mentioned he had paper from the notebook in his wallet and watch, and we removed them. We were both startled when we saw the Shinigami for the first time, just floating upside down in Light's cell. I had seen him in Light's memories but not in real life.

I wrote up the report on searching through the suspect's personal items, and the discovery of the notebook paper found inside. Misa didn't have any notebook paper in her belongings which I had gone through, so I wouldn't be able to see her former Shinigami.

We also knew we couldn't do anything about the notebook paper yet, since we didn't know where the other Shinigami was. I had to hide the report in L's things until we had both notebooks and can go over all the evidence with the others.

A week after Light and Chief Yagami's detainment, the others were beginning to believe L was right about the teen, since the new Kira hadn't come onto our radar yet, but we knew the case was far from over.

Next came the moment L and I had been waiting for. Light had given the Shinigami a code to abandon him, relinquishing his ownership of the Death Note.

For show, L left them in confinement for several more days, wanting to wait until the building was finished before releasing them from their cells.

On day 15 of the confinement, the new Kira finally emerges, killing off two weeks worth of criminals.

On day 49 L informs me what he plans to do.

To say I am unhappy with his decision is an understatement. He had planned to handcuff himself to the teen until the notebooks are both in our possession.

I told him this would make it difficult for us to find any time to ourselves. Not just to be a new couple, but it would hinder our ability to talk to each other about our thoughts on the case, as we have been.

He knows that most of the evidence and theories we have are subjects the taskforce are clearly unwilling to listen to, and there is no way either of us wants Light to find out just what we know.

So he agrees to save the handcuffs for when Light tries to leave headquarters.

I agree with that plan, since we will still be allowed some privacy for ourselves. It's better than the alternative.

The next day, we ask for Chief Yagami to visit us, and L explains his plan to release Misa and his son.

As the two of them finalize the plan, the rest of us begin going through and packing up the evidence for the move in a couple of days.

L told me how to get though all of his security measures on the new building and he provided me a copy of the key to his floor. His floor is the 21st floor, directly above mine.

I was to haul our stuff to his floor, and the rest of the evidence to the top floor, which is where the monitor room is.

He explained his floor was the topmost suites, making it the closest to where we're spending most of our time. Of the 23 floors, the top is the main working area. The largest room is the monitor room, with an evidence storage room just off of it. The second largest is the state of the art kitchen and then we have two bathrooms as well.

The floor directly beneath the top is where Watari will be stationed at. He has his own work room, the security room and his personal suite.

The rest of the floors were for the taskforce, and any other people we may end up with over the course of the investigation.

I returned to the hotel in time to hear Misa complaining about having no privacy and how they won't be allowed to go out because Ryuzaki will be with them anywhere they go.

She looked at me as I arrived and pointed at me.

"You know what you need Ryuzaki? You need a girlfriend, like her!"

"We're here to solve a case, not get into relationships." L stated in his monotone voice, even as Aizawa directs her to her room.

Light asks about the constant moving, and L tells the men that our next and final move will be to a building he is having made for the Kira investigation.

In just a couple more days, we'll be in our new home.

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