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In the dimly lit room of her house, Muskan's heartache echoed in the silent night

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In the dimly lit room of her house, Muskan's heartache echoed in the silent night. With each tear that fell, memories of Zamir flooded her mind, intertwining with whispered prayers to Allah for relief from the pain.

As she knelt in sujood, Muskan's mind drifted back to the first time she met Zamir. They were just children then, innocent and carefree, their laughter filling the air as they played in the schoolyard.

Flashbacks danced before Muskan's eyes, transporting her back to moments of shared laughter and whispered secrets. She remembered the countless times Zamir had come to her rescue, his comforting presence a balm to her wounded soul whenever she faced bullies or hardships.

But amidst the fond memories lay the sting of betrayal. Muskan recalled how Zamir had often teased her, claiming she harbored feelings for him, all the while knowing that her affections were genuine. She remembered the blush that stained her cheeks whenever his name appeared on her phone, his playful texts igniting a warmth in her heart that she dared not acknowledge.

Yet despite it all, Muskan had remained by Zamir's side, loyal and unwavering in her devotion. She had helped him with his studies, completing his assignments and tutoring him late into the night, all the while hoping he would see her not just as a friend, but as something more.

But today, her hopes lay shattered as she learned of Zamir's proposal to Aiza. The news had struck her like a dagger to the heart, leaving her breathless with grief and longing.

"Ya Allah," Muskan whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own tears,

"Please, take away this pain. Remove every trace of him from my heart."

Tears streamed down her face as she continued, her voice trembling with emotion,

"Help me find peace, Ya Allah. Help me understand why this happened. Guide me through this darkness and show me the way forward."

In the depths of her despair, Muskan found solace in her faith, pouring out her anguish to Allah in fervent prayer. She pleaded for the strength to move on, to release the hold that Zamir had upon her heart, even as memories of their shared past threatened to consume her.

 She pleaded for the strength to move on, to release the hold that Zamir had upon her heart, even as memories of their shared past threatened to consume her

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