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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

As Zayn drove down the familiar streets of his neighborhood, his heart danced with anticipation. He couldn't shake off the nervous excitement bubbling within him. Today was the day he would finally meet Sarah, the woman he had admired from afar for so long.

Pulling into the parking lot of the community center, Zayn took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He straightened his collar, adjusted his kufi, and stepped out of the car. The warm sun greeted him as he made his way inside, his thoughts consumed by the image of Sarah's smile.

Entering the brightly lit hall, Zayn's eyes immediately found her. Sarah was surrounded by a group of children, her laughter echoing through the room. Her kindness and warmth radiated from her, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. With a smile playing on his lips, Zayn approached her, feeling a rush of excitement coursing through him.

"Hi," he greeted, offering a comforting hand to a crying child. "Can I help?"

Sarah's eyes met his, a grateful smile gracing her lips as she nodded. "Of course, thank you," she replied, her voice soft and melodious.

Together, they worked to soothe the crying child, Sarah administering the vaccination with practiced ease. Zayn tried to distract the child with talk of cartoons, his heart swelling with compassion as he gently cradled the tearful child in his arms.

"Do you know I have a special friend, a cartoon friend?" Zayn whispered softly, his eyes meeting the child with a reassuring gaze. "Would you like to meet this friend?"

The child's innocent eyes widened with curiosity as he nodded eagerly, his tears beginning to subside.

With a tender smile, Zayn revealed, "It's none other than Doraemon. Are you a fan of Doraemon?"

The child's nod was enthusiastic, his tears forgotten in the excitement of the promise.

"Alright then, let's make a promise," Zayn proposed, holding out his pinky finger. "If you stop crying and join your friends to play, we'll make sure to meet Doraemon. How does that sound?"

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