Chapter- 17

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Zayn glanced at her briefly, then returned his eyes to the road. The city lights flickered past them, casting fleeting shadows inside the car. They drove on, the conversation having eased some of the earlier tension, creating a tentative sense of camaraderie between them.

An hour passed in relative silence. They were only a few kilometers away from the city when Zayn glanced over at Muskan and saw that she had fallen asleep. She was sleeping so carelessly, her head resting against the window.

"This dumb girl took only a sweater? She's really an idiot," Zayn thought with a fond smile. "If she stays like this, she'll definitely catch a cold." He said to himself.

He pulled the car to the side of the road and stopped. Gently, he took off his coat and draped it over her, feeling a protective urge. At least she'll not catch a cold now.

After another half-hour drive, Zayn parked the car in front of a small, dimly lit medical store. He needed to buy medicine for his mother. The store was about to close, but Zayn, his face etched with urgency, managed to persuade the owner to stay open a little longer. He quickly bought the necessary medicines, his thoughts a mix of worry and relief. As he stepped out of the store, the owner flipped the sign to 'Closed' and locked the door behind him.

Zayn glanced at his car parked across the road. Muskan, who was peacefully asleep inside, her delicate face illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlight. He didn't want to disturb her rest. The streets were nearly empty, and a biting cold wind had begun to blow, making Zayn shiver. He hurried back to the car.

When he reached the car, he instinctively reached for the handle, but it didn't budge. Confused, Zayn tried again, but the door remained locked. Panic surged through him as he realized he had left the key inside. He could see the keychain dangling from the ignition, mocking him through the window. He cursed under his breath, his breath forming misty clouds in the cold air.

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