Chapter -12

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

A week has unfolded like a silent symphony for Muskan and Zayn, where the absence of discord has created a serene backdrop to their lives. Each passing day witnessed them gripped in their respective pursuits, with work becoming both their refuge and passion. Amidst this peaceful atmosphere, an unexpected melody of friendship began to build between Zayn and Sarah, its notes resonating deeply within their hearts.

Their conversations flowed effortlessly, weaving tales of shared dreams, fears, and aspirations. Zayn found solace in Sarah's company, her laughter becoming the soundtrack to his days. The subtle shifts in Zayn did not go unnoticed by those closest to him; his parents, adapted to the difference of their son, observed a newfound lightness in his demeanor, while Afzal, his confidant, detected the subtle glow of happiness radiating from within him.

As days turned into nights, the bond between Zayn and Sarah grew stronger, each moment shared adding a new layer of understanding and friendship. And amidst the ebb and flow of life, a silent transformation began to take shape within Zayn, a change fueled by the warmth of friendship and the promise of new beginnings.

"Happy Birthday Sarah," Muskan exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth, as Jiya, Mahenoor, and Aaliyah echoed the sentiment with smiles gracing their faces.

"Thank you, thank you so much for coming," Sarah replied, her eyes sparkling with gratitude as she ushered them inside.

Once inside, Sarah became engrossed in conversation with her other friends, leaving Muskan, Mahenoor, Jiya, and Aaliyah standing near the entrance, exchanging knowing glances.

As Muskan casually glanced towards the entrance, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Zayn entering the hotel. Swiftly, she averted her gaze, covering her face momentarily before slipping away to a secluded corner, her curiosity piqued.

Observing Zayn and Sarah engaged in friendly conversation, Muskan couldn't help but wonder aloud to herself, "Do they know each other?" Her voice tinged with suspicion as she continued to observe the pair, searching for any hint of familiarity between them.

As Muskan stood in the corner, her attention fixed on Zayn and Sarah, she was unaware of Mazhar standing behind her, equally curious about the unfolding scene.

"Why are you acting like you're a thief?" Mazhar's voice broke through her concentration, causing Muskan to startle slightly.

"Ya Allah!" Muskan exclaimed suddenly, her outburst drawing the attention of everyone nearby. Zayn's gaze flickered in her direction, but Sarah, recognizing Muskan's voice, simply smiled, while Zayn, unable to see Muskan's face, felt a pang of familiarity.

"Could she be that little creature?" Zayn mused to himself, a flicker of recognition dancing in his mind as he attempted to connect the voice to a face from his past.

As Sarah turned to face Zayn, their conversation resumed seamlessly, oblivious to the tension brewing elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Muskan's glare intensified as Mazhar persisted in his dramatic antics.

"Why are you staring at me like a hunter staring at his prey?" Mazhar's voice carried a theatrical tone, attempting to deflect Muskan's ire.

Muskan's response was swift and resolute. "Because if you dare to scare me like this again, I will surely kill you, Mazhar."

Before Mazhar could utter another word, Muskan abruptly left, her departure leaving Mazhar momentarily stunned. He watched her retreating figure, pondering the gravity of her warning, before deciding to rejoin the other girls, hoping to smooth over any lingering tension.

As Sarah and Zayn conversed, their exchange was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a middle-aged man, around 40 years old. Zayn greeted him warmly with a hug before turning to Sarah.

"Sarah, is it okay if we talk later?" Zayn asked, his tone apologetic.

"Yeah, it's totally fine," Sarah replied, though her smile held a hint of awkwardness as she watched Zayn depart with the man.

Left momentarily alone, Sarah couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, her gaze drifting towards Mazhar, who was now engrossed in flirting with another girl. His playful gesture, squeezing the girl's cheeks, elicited a blush that Sarah found unsettling.

Just then, Muskan approached Sarah, her keen eyes not missing the sadness etched in Sarah's expression as she observed Mazhar's antics.

"You shouldn't have called him. You know how characterless he is," Muskan remarked, her gaze still fixed on Mazhar.

Sarah sighed, acknowledging Muskan's concern. "Leave it. Where are Mahenoor, Aaliya, and Jiya?" she inquired.

"They are near the entrance," Muskan replied.

"Let's go to them," Sarah suggested.

"Yeah, you go first, and I'm coming after drinking water," Muskan agreed. Sarah gestured towards the direction, guiding Muskan towards the refreshment area.

Muskan made her way to the counter, requesting a glass of water. As she listened to the sounds of laughter nearby, her curiosity piqued, and she turned her head to the left, hoping to catch a glimpse of the source.

To her surprise, she found herself locking eyes with Zayn, whose presence startled her. Without hesitation, Muskan turned on her heels and bolted away, determined to avoid any interaction with him before he could recognize her.

"Why is he everywhere I go?" Muskan muttered to herself, frustration evident in her voice.

"Why is he everywhere I go?" Muskan muttered to herself, frustration evident in her voice

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