Chapter 22

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Zayn Akhtar sat at the head of the long, polished table, surrounded by his senior executives. The room was hushed, filled only with the occasional shuffle of papers and the soft hum of the air conditioning. This was a crucial meeting discussing the launch strategy for their upcoming product line—a make-or-break moment for the company.

Zayn was known for his intense focus during meetings. His sharp eyes scanned the room, ensuring everyone was attentive. Each detail mattered, and distractions were not tolerated.

Midway through the discussion, an employee's phone rudely interrupted the flow with a blaring ringtone. Zayn's usually calm demeanor cracked with anger. "Turn that off!" he snapped, his voice cutting through the room like a knife. The employee scrambled to silence the phone, visibly shaken by Zayn's stern reprimand.

Just as the tension started to settle, Zayn's own phone buzzed against the polished table. All eyes turned to him as he retrieved the device. His expression softened as he saw the caller ID—Sarah.

"Excuse me," Zayn said tersely, though his voice now carried a hint of warmth. He rose from his seat and left the room with a small, almost imperceptible smile on his lips.

Outside the meeting room, in a quieter corridor, Zayn answered Sarah's call eagerly. "Hey, Sarah! How are you?" His voice was filled with genuine interest and affection.

"Zayn," Sarah's voice sounded strained, barely audible over what seemed like background noise. "I... I need to talk to you. Can you meet me?"

Zayn furrowed his brow, concern evident in his voice. "Of course, Sarah. Is everything alright?"

There was a brief pause on the other end, broken only by Sarah's shallow breathing. "I'll... I'll explain when you get here. Please, Zayn."

"Okay," Zayn agreed quietly, though unease crept into his gut. "I'll come as soon as I can."

The call ended abruptly, leaving Zayn staring at his phone screen with a mix of curiosity and concern. He re-entered the meeting room, where his employees greeted him with awkward glares, clearly not pleased with his own interruption after chastising one of their own.

"Sorry about that," Zayn apologized, passing an uneasy smile around the room. He resumed his seat at the head of the table, but the weight of Sarah's call lingered in his mind throughout the remainder of the meeting.

Once the discussions concluded and everyone began to disperse, Zayn made his way to the address Sarah had provided. In his hand, he held a bouquet of roses—a gesture he hoped would brighten her spirits.

Sarah arrived shortly after he did, her eyes immediately falling on the roses. There was a flicker of guilt in her expression as she approached him tentatively. Zayn greeted her warmly, but she avoided his gaze, her demeanor awkward and distant.

Zayn sensed something was amiss. "Sarah, is everything okay?" he asked gently, concerned by her unusual behavior.

She shook her head slowly, her eyes still downcast. "I... I want to confess something," she murmured softly.

Zayn nodded encouragingly. "Go ahead, Sarah. You can tell me anything."

Finally, she looked up at him, her eyes full of remorse. "I'm sorry," she began, her words rushing out in a whisper. "I used you. I used you to make someone else jealous, to try to get him back. I don't love you, Zayn. I don't have those feelings for you. And it's tearing me apart because you've been so kind to me, and I can't... I can't return that love."

Zayn stood there, stunned into silence. The bouquet slipped from his hands, the roses scattering across the ground as he struggled to comprehend her words. His initial fondness for her had grown into something deeper, something he couldn't quite define. But now, it felt like a cruel joke.

Anger, shock, and hurt flashed across his face. He looked at Sarah, his expression blank and unreadable. She watched as the roses lay forgotten at their feet, her own guilt weighing heavily on her.

"Zayn, please say something," Sarah pleaded, her voice wavering with worry.

He smirked bitterly, a coldness creeping into his eyes. "It's okay," he said quietly, his tone devoid of emotion. "It wasn't your fault. It was my fault for believing in something that wasn't there. But please, Sarah, from now on, don't ever contact me again. I'm not sure what I might do."

His words hung heavy in the air, tinged with a threat that sent a chill down Sarah's spine. This was a side of Zayn she had never seen—the controlled anger of a man betrayed.

As he turned to leave, stepping over the fallen roses, Sarah realized she had lost him. The Zayn she knew, the gentle and caring man, was now a stranger. In his place stood Zayn Akhtar—the formidable businessman known for his professional prowess and, now, for his unforgiving demeanor when betrayed.

She watched him go, the weight of her actions settling heavily on her heart.


Dear readers,

I apologize for the delay in uploading the latest chapter. Unfortunately, I've been experiencing technical issues with Wattpad due to glitches and the platform acting strangely lately. As a result, I haven't been able to access my account to upload new content.

I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. Your support means a lot to me, and I'm working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible so that I can continue sharing the story with you.

In the meantime, I would love to hear your feedback on the book so far. Your thoughts and comments are invaluable to me as a writer, and they help me improve and shape the narrative. Please feel free to leave your feedback here or reach out to me through other platforms.

Thank you again for your understanding and support. I look forward to continuing this journey with you.

 I look forward to continuing this journey with you

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