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Third Person's POV:

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Third Person's POV:

Muskan lingered at the airport, her gaze drifting over the bustling crowd as they hurried past, each with their own destination and purpose, a silent observer amidst the flurry of activity

As Muskan stood there, bewildered by the sudden appearance of the mop in her hands, she blinked in confusion at the retreating figure, stammering,

"Wait, I'm not-"

But before she could finish her sentence, the person vanished into the crowd, leaving Muskan holding the mop like a clueless.

Her mind raced for a solution, and in a stroke of comedic genius, she decided to wield the mop like a gun from an old Western movie. With a shaky hand, she aimed it at a passing traveler and exclaimed,

"Bang! You're dead!"

The unsuspecting victim turned, eyebrows raised in confusion, just in time for Muskan to panic and toss the mop away like a hot potato. Unfortunately, her aim was as shaky as her nerves. The mop fell down on the face of a person.

As Muskan stood frozen in shock, realizing the gravity of the situation, her heart sank as she recognized the person below as none other than the same egoistic and heartless person with whom she gets into arguments again and again.

Her blood ran cold as she locked eyes with him, his expression a mix of distress and fury.

"You!" he shouted in a loud deep voice, his voice echoing through the entire airport as he began to climb (up) the stairs with determined purpose.

Muskan's eyes widened in terror, her mind racing as she remembered their past altercation and the unpleasant aftermath. With a panicked gasp, she turned and bolted, her feet carrying her in a mad dash through the maze-like corridors of the airport.

Behind her, the man gave chase, wielding the mop like a vengeful knight on a quest for doom. Muskan's screams filled the air, a symphony of panic and desperation as she zigzagged through the crowd, her pursuer hot on her heels.

Their wild pursuit drew baffled stares and nervous laughter from onlookers, who couldn't help but be entertained by the spectacle unfolding before them. Muskan's dramatic indefinite maneuvers and the man's determined pursuit made them look like characters straight out of a cartoon Tom and Jerry.

But just when it seemed like Muskan's luck had run out, she spotted an opportunity-a luggage accelerator sitting idle nearby. With a desperate leap, she hurled herself onto the speeding cart, her heart pounding in her chest as she raced away from her pursuer.

Behind her, the man followed suit, his own cart careening wildly as he struggled to keep pace with Muskan's frantic flight. But fate had other plans, and with a comical twist of fate, he lost his footing and tumbled from the accelerator with a resounding crash.

With a victorious whoop, Muskan surged forward, leaving her would-be attacker lounge on the ground in defeat.

"Just you wait! I'll kill you. You idiot Creature." he shouted after her, shaking his fist in impotent rage as she disappeared into the bustling crowd, leaving him to nurse his wounded pride amidst the wreckage of their absurd encounter.

" he shouted after her, shaking his fist in impotent rage as she disappeared into the bustling crowd, leaving him to nurse his wounded pride amidst the wreckage of their absurd encounter

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