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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

As she pedaled her bicycle, yawning all the way, she reached the family mart. Shayra instructed her to buy some items for the cafe. While walking and still glancing at the list on her phone, she accidentally bumped into someone. The impact was strong enough to hurt her head, and she instinctively placed her hand on her forehead. Looking up, she saw him again. She couldn't understand why she kept running into him. This time, though, he didn't yell at her. He didn't speak in a loud voice. Instead, he asked softly,

"It's you again. Why do I keep bumping into you?"

"How would I know?" She responded in the same soft tone. Tilting her head to the side, she smiled and continued softly. His expression seemed irritated, frustration evident on his face.

"Why are you here?" he asked sternly.

"For the same reason as you," she replied with a hint of irritation, her tone matching his frustration. He placed both hands on his waist, closed his eyes momentarily, then let out a sigh before placing one hand on his forehead.

"I don't know why I keep bumping into this little creature," he muttered, a mix of annoyance and amusement in his voice.

"You—leave it. I don't have time for your nonsense," she said firmly, her patience wearing thin. He opened his eyes but remained silent, gesturing towards the entrance before making his way inside. She followed suit, determined to complete her work and leave this place as quickly as possible. It wasn't as if she was intentionally following him; it just seemed they were fated to cross paths repeatedly.

Inside, she focused on gathering the items she needed, hoping to avoid any further encounters. After paying for her purchases, she stepped outside only to be greeted by another obstacle—her bicycle's tire was punctured. With no nearby garage or repair shop in sight, she sighed in frustration and resigned herself to the inconvenience. As she sat beside her bicycle, looking at her options, she reached for her phone to call Shayra di for help, but before she could dial, she heard a familiar voice approaching.

As he wandered over, munching peanuts, she couldn't help but think he was just plain clueless.

"Why are you sitting in the middle of the parking lot?" he uttered suddenly, peanut shells flying everywhere. She gave him a strained smile, thinking, "Seriously? Can't you see the tire?"

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