Chapter- 18

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Zayn sneezed, a loud, dramatic sound that made heads turn momentarily.

"See, I told you, you have a cold. Now drink this," Muskan insisted, pushing a steaming cup of ginger tea towards him. The concern in her eyes was unmistakable, though a hint of exasperation lingered in her tone.

They were seated at a cozy corner table in Café, a quaint little place filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries. The café was bustling with the afternoon crowd, people engaged in quiet conversations, the clinking of cutlery and distant laughter creating a soothing background hum.

Zayn and Muskan were facing each other, the table between them cluttered with empty plates and used napkins, remnants of the pastries they had ordered earlier. They had been bickering for an hour now, their voices rising and falling like waves, drawing curious glances from nearby tables. Despite the playful arguments, there was an underlying tenderness in their interactions.

Rubina and Shayra, Watching the scene unfold with a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"A few days ago, they were fighting like cats and dogs, and now look at them. Being so lovey-dovey," Rubina remarked, her eyebrows raised in astonishment. She said shaking her head slightly.

"Love, mumma, love," Shayra echoed, her voice soft and teasing. She leaned on Rubina, a knowing smile playing on her lips as she watched Zayn and Muskan. Their transformation from constant arguments to this affectionate banter was nothing short of remarkable.

"Are you going to drink this, or do I need to throw it inside your mouth?" Muskan said, getting up from her seat. She leaned over the table, her eyes narrowing in a mock threat.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Zayn retorted, his frustration bubbling to the surface. He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms defensively.

"Because you are stubborn. Now drink it," Muskan shot back, matching his energy. She crossed her arms and stood her ground, her stance unyielding.

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