Chapter 21

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Zayn lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling as the scene replayed incessantly in his mind. Abruptly, he sat up, folding his legs tightly. He covered his face with his hands as the images continued to haunt him. Everything he had done, it was all for Sarah. He had manipulated the situation, hoping to draw closer to Muskan, who he believed could potentially help him win Sarah's affection. But now, as he pieced together the events, he realized the enormity of his mistake.

Perhaps he was the one who had lost his senses, or maybe Muskan was the one acting irrationally, drawn to someone like Zamir. Standing up for her in front of the entire college had been a bold move, and it was inevitable that they would be seen as a couple. Muskan must have been anxious about Zamir hearing the rumors about them, fearing it would ruin any chance they had of being together. It dawned on Zayn why she had reacted with such fury. If the roles were reversed, he would have likely responded in the same manner.

As he stood up and paced the room, the weight of his actions pressed heavily on his shoulders. Grabbing his phone, he sat back down on the edge of the bed and composed a text message to Muskan, his fingers trembling slightly. He knew he needed to acknowledge his wrongdoing and make things right, no matter how difficult it might be.

Zayn contemplated whether to initiate the conversation with a simple "hii," but he couldn't shake the feeling of it being mundane. Seeking ways to inject more life into the text, he turned to Google for advice on making messages more engaging. The suggestion: emojis. Intrigued by this unfamiliar concept, he delved into a brief exploration to understand its appeal.

However, he hesitated to use a humorous emoji, fearing it might convey the wrong impression. Scanning through the emoji gallery, he stumbled upon the ideal choice: 👉👈. It conveyed a sense of vulnerability, which aligned better with his feelings. Puzzled by the widespread fascination with such simplistic symbols, he decided to pair it with the conventional "hii."

After hitting send, he anxiously awaited her response. Moments later, the notification indicated she had viewed his message, yet her silence left him perplexed. Then, a message appeared on the screen: "What do you want?"

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