Chapter -15

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Muskan sighed, her frustration mounting as she scanned the area once more for any sign of Sarah. The bustling crowd seemed to swallow her friend whole, leaving Muskan feeling abandoned in the sea of people. With a huff, she settled onto a nearby seat, her mind racing with worry and annoyance.

Beside her, a voice interrupted her thoughts. "Hi," it said, accompanied by a warm smile. Muskan's gaze snapped to the source, and to her surprise, it was Zayn, sitting casually beside her. His presence only added to her confusion and frustration.

"Hi," she replied, forcing a polite smile despite her inner confusion. Muskan couldn't help but wonder what Zayn was doing there, and why he seemed so calm by her presence. Her mind buzzed with questions.

Muskan's curiosity peaked as she directed her question towards Zayn, hoping for some explanation amidst the chaos.

"What are you doing here ?"
Muskan asked out of curiosity. However, his response dripped with sarcasm, leaving her momentarily speechless.

"Is this your home?" Zayn asked with sarcasm. Determined not to let him off the hook so easily, Muskan seized the opportunity to turn the tables.
With a tricky smile, she remarked,

"You must be a regular here," gesturing subtly towards the hospital surroundings. Zayn's confusion was palpable as he furrowed his brows, clearly puzzled by Muskan's question. Muskan continued, her tone laced with fake sweetness,

"This hospital is famous because of psychiatrist." The words hung in the air, punctuated by her fake smile, as Zayn's expression shifted from confusion to a mixture of insult and embarrassment.

Before the tension between them could mount further, a familiar voice broke through the moment. Relief washed over Muskan as Sarah appeared, apologizing for her delay. With Sarah's arrival, the tension seemed to vanish, between Zayn and Muskan.

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