⟢ 1﹒Deal

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"Jesus, N/N! It'll be more un breathtaking if you'd just stop and listen!"

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"Jesus, N/N! It'll be more un breathtaking if you'd just stop and listen!"

"I'll find myself locked up behind bars if that ever happens!"

Almost Midnight, In the dark alleyways, there's a certain detective that was chasing a petty thief for it's dear life. From the sound and look of it, the detective were pretty young and so does the criminal.

"I'll let you off completely if you agree to strike up a deal with me!"

Just then, a huge brick wall had appeared, a dead end. What a coincidence. There was no other way to run.

Y/N stopped, stands there briefly before the detective stopped just a few meters from the girl, catching his breath with his hand on his laps. Y/N lift the both of her hands.

"Fine." Y/N turned herself to face the detective, who had a smug smile while panting for it's dear life.

"Thank you!" The detective said as Y/N did not shows any signs of being tired

"What's the deal? ... Are you going to cuff me?" Y/N waved her hands in a mocking way jokingly.

"Wasn't planning to - unless you are easier to deal with that way?"

The boy was oddly familiar. He came across Y/N for some time now, but failed. This time, it was the brick wall that had failed her escape. The moments she encounter him was all in the dark. She could tell his hair were red and a bit taller then her, but his face was not very clear. His voice were familiar but she just couldn't recall who it is.

Y/N on the other hand, had always makes her appearance to be unnoticeable and unrecognizable. She'll always wore a black or silver hoodie with face mask on during her attempts.

No other police or detective could ever have caught Y/N. Y/N are pretty smart and fast plus sly aswell. But this time, He's here. And for someone had always had caught her, it's him. This certain burgundy haired, charming and young detective.

Y/N scoffed "hurry up will ya? I can bolt anytime now, maybe even had the time to rob your house"

"Not very patient now are we? Seems like you really live up to your fast and sly fame" the boy teased, making the 'fast' and 'sly' more noticeable.

"alright, alright" the detective was now standing straight, both of his hand were at his hips with a smug expression on his face.

"alright, alright" the detective was now standing straight, both of his hand were at his hips with a smug expression on his face

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