⟢ 27﹒Makeover

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"I don't know if I should go big this year or just stay plain

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"I don't know if I should go big this year or just stay plain..." Y/N sighs as she buried her head onto the table. The group was of course in the cafe like usual to start off their morning.

"C'mon, go big! Your love is graduating later~" Venti teased while nudges her from the side.

Y/N groans playfully, "Rest in peace to my wallet"

"Y/N look, there's this boutique that have your type of dresses in the mall" Shinobu said handing her phone to the tired girl.

The photo shows a prom dress that Y/N has been wanting to get, but too broke. But now she has some money from working, she might just be able to.

"It's so pretty.... I want to try them on now" Y/N sat up and took the phone, admiring the F/C dress.

"I don't know about you, but I'm excited to become a senior, I don't know why. There's this sparkling thing in me-" Yoimiya sips her boba as she daydreams about her year as a senior next year.

"It's not as fun as you think, you might open your locker one day with full of love letters from god knows who" Keqing said with an awkward smile.

"Yeah, like Kazuha here, but he has to deal with it everyday" Heizou teased.

"My locker is full of it now, I just stuff my things in the lounge..." Kazuha sighed with a shy smile.

"Oh yea, I forgot to mention, there'll be a junior I'm familiar with joining next year. Be friends with her if you please, she's not good at making one" Mona said while eating her cake, her left hand was typing something on her phone.

"Oh! Where she's from?" Y/N lifted her spoon filled with pudding to her mouth as she turns her head to Mona.

"Mondstadt, she got names and she'll give you guys whichever she's comfortable with when the time you'll meet her" Mona says as she turns off her phone and sets it beside her plate of cake.

"Mondstadt, she got names and she'll give you guys whichever she's comfortable with when the time you'll meet her" Mona says as she turns off her phone and sets it beside her plate of cake

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"Okay that's one for the dress, now budget for the accessories-" Y/N was counting all the prices she assumed as she plays around with her purse.

"You're too complicated. Just use them all"

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