⟢ 23﹒Love

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"Y/N there's a help wanted sign at the usual cafe in the campus, don't you want to try work in a cafe now?

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"Y/N there's a help wanted sign at the usual cafe in the campus, don't you want to try work in a cafe now?


"Yes really, I saw the help wanted sign at this morning when I bought some baguette, it says you're okay to be a college student here to apply!"

"Oh? You should sign up Y/N"

Heizou said as he sat on the groups table, quickly started to began munching on fried katsu.

"Hm? I thought I already had a job"

"Being my assistant is from the inside~ You should look for a main job aswell, beside, I don't trust Sara to pay me this month.."

"I don't mind being your assistant only though, it's fun-"

The whole group glanced at Y/N. Y/N wondered why but Heizou just sat there chuckled at how cute Y/N was.


"Nearly killing yourself doesn't count as 'fun' Y/N"

Shinobu said as she watches Y/N with unamused face.

"But it payed me a good loan though"

"That is if you actually encounter a possible death situation, like last time when we fought with Daiki" Heizou mumbles.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Like I said, I don't trust Sara" Heizou puts on a fake pouting face.

"No wonder you would always slacks off if your case was other then Y/N's" Kazuha teased.

"Oh c'mon, finding pets and stolen items? Can't they ask the police there? My status is too high to just seek out your pets" Heizou dramatically joked.

"Then if Y/N's item are missing, would you find it?" Mona chimes in, trying to tease-bully the boy aswell.

"Duh, Of course! It's N/N" Heizou just smiled without any shame.

Y/N just stared at that him, he's cute. Y/N couldn't help but beamed a smile.

"Oho~ have a crush now are we?" Venti who was sitting beside Y/N whispers to her, followed by Yoimiya who was also sitting beside her on the other side.

A crush?

A crush?

Y/N just continue to stare at the boy, admiring him from afar as he laughs with the groups, he's too charming.

Y/N didn't realize she unconsciously put her elbows on the table and rest her cheek on it while mesmerized by Heizou.

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