⟢ 21﹒Siblings

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"You know I don't mind sleeping on the couch-"

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"You know I don't mind sleeping on the couch-"


Y/N just stared at the boy who was stressed sitting on his desk at his room while leaning against the doorframe and narrowing her eyes.

Heizou was stressed with the murderer disappearance, there was nothing. It was as if he disappeared into thin air.

Regardless, he doesn't let it out on Y/N, not once. When Y/N approached him, he would try his best to beamed up a smile and talk to her in a gentle manner.

Y/N just sighed, the boy made his decision and he's not letting her decline it. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed infront of the desk.

"What if you stayed up late to investigate all the clues there and I had to sleep with the lights on?"

"I'll do that on the dining table outside"

"Heizou, don't stay up late!"

Heizou stopped looking stressed and look at the floor, realizing what he said. oops. He really did want to pull up an all nighter for the case.

Y/N sighed, "Lemme see" She took one of the thick files on the edge on Heizou desk since that was the closest she could get without walking, she opened the files and saw that it was a file of the murderer's daughter and son.

"I don't recognize them at all" Y/N narrowed her eyes, trying to remember if she met them.

If she never had meet them, then how did the murderer knew her parents? They must've been a close colleague or something.

But then, she remembered something. There was a time when you were really young, you went to a ice cream stall near the park. While your father was ordering your favorite ice cream, he saw someone he recognized from the line and greeted them. The man was proper though, he had a suit and suitcase and all, he was nothing like the murderer.

However, in distance, you saw your mother greeted two kids, the boy had black and grey streak while the girl had brown hair.

Y/N looked at the picture one last time, their hair color matched, and their face was kinda same?

"Eh, could be" Y/N muttered.

"Hmm? Recognize them now?"

"Maybe, I remember my mother with two kids that had the same hair color as them. But that was way back then."

"Did you ask your mom who was that?"

Y/N stopped and lifted her eyes from the file.

"No... I was too focused eating my ice cream.."

Heizou lets out a chuckle while Y/N facepalmed herself. She could get many infos if she would just stop enjoying her ice cream so much at that time-

but they're gone now.

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