⟢ 15﹒Warmth

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- fluff chapter ! -

Heizou had woken up just before Y/N, he groaned in pain but also was relieved that he got enough sleep without to wory about anything

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Heizou had woken up just before Y/N, he groaned in pain but also was relieved that he got enough sleep without to wory about anything. Except for Y/N.

He looks at his reflection on Kazuha's closet mirror, his hair was so messy. His bandages were stained with red but it was not much. Heizou was relieved that he doesn't need to change the bandages yet.

'I forgot how neat his room is.. compared to mine'

Heizou wanted to stand up, at least tried to. His body was too weak due to the mutiple injuries. So he just walked outside slowly but surely, he made it to the kitchen. It took like more then five minutes.

Y/N close the door to Heizou's room and began walking towards the living room

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Y/N close the door to Heizou's room and began walking towards the living room.

She saw Heizou, still covered in bandages without a top on, scrolling his phone and was slurping his- noodles ?!?!

"Mor- Ah! Kazuha just told me to not let you eat any instant noodles..."

Heizou looked up from his phone and his eye glanced at Y/N, he stopped slurping his noodle to stared at Y/N. Then he quickly eat the remaining noodles that was hanging on his mouth.

"Well- Morning N/N!" Heizou smiled warmly.

"Morning Heizou, are you feeling alright?"

"More then alright now that I see you~"

Y/N shakes her head and sat infront of the boy who turned off his phone at set it beside his cup of instant noodles.

"Seriously though, did you managed to walk from Kazuha's room to here without any pain?"


"Yea, I thought so" Y/N looked at the boy with concerned. She was genuinely worried about him.

"Your room is messy- but pretty by the way" Regardless, Y/N smiled at him, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Ah- sorry about that! And why is it pretty hmm?~"

"Your clouds, and stars. It's pretty"

"Oh-" Heizou lift his hand to cover the lower part of his face.

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