⟢ 29﹒Graduation

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"Now, we would like to invite the President of the Students Council to give his last speech

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"Now, we would like to invite the President of the Students Council to give his last speech."


It's time. The time had come.

The 3rd Years - Graduation Day

It had come sooner then everyone had expected. Truly, the third years this year had their special places in everyone's heart. Most of them were supporting, outgoing, considerate, gorgeous-

Y/N could be seen sat on the second floor, besides her was Shinobu and Yoimiya, all of them dressed formal. The three of them had their eyes focused on the floor below, where all the graduated seniors were seated. They were lucky to have coined a seat that has a perfect view of the stage.

One by one, they watched and heard names get called as the person walks onto the stage. They could see their friends, such as Xiao, Kazuha, Venti, Ayaka, Keqing, Mona and Heizou. Especially him.

Y/N watches the boy she admired and love make his way infront of the mic stand, wearing his suit and had his hair tied low on the back.

- taps mic -

"Hello there, The name's Shikanoin Heizou, I have been selected as the student council President for this year

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"Hello there, The name's Shikanoin Heizou, I have been selected as the student council President for this year. I heard I was the first one after.. what? 3 years? I am glad to had make a fun year for all of you."

"For my speech.. eh, there's nothing special to say really, though my friends and colleagues would likely kill me if I meant that... Haha what a year! I'm sorry for the amount of times I've not been seen around the campus, though I'm pretty sure the other students councils here had been pretty nice to y'all right? My intuition tells me that there'll be a fun year right ahead!"

"Don't want to sound too cheesy, but I wanted all of you, I don't care whether you're a senior or a junior, to please have fun today. Be with your cherished or loved ones, appreciate them. It's too late to have any regrets anyway, just do what you gotta do today."

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