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( please suggest some cute songs )

( A/N : don't think of anything else, boys usually doesn't wear their tops. It's pretty normal by now honestly. They can't see Heizou's - abs - body since the bandages are covering his whole body. And he's wearing a silver jumper and his jitte necklace all this time btw)

- comforting chapter ahead! -

The sound of keys rummaging and peoples chattering outside made the two friends wide awake

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The sound of keys rummaging and peoples chattering outside made the two friends wide awake.

As Kazuha opens the door, his eyes was met with his best friend and close friend on the couch at the living room that was just across from the door.

Y/N was leaning her head on Heizou's shoulder and Heizou's head was leaning on top of Y/N's head as he holds her gently with his left hand.

The both of then flutters their eyes and Heizou lift his right hand to his eye and gently rubbing it while glancing at the door. Once he realized who it was, he gave them a warm smile with a tired face.

As Y/N stared at the floor, she then saw mutiple of bandages like a body shape at the corner of her eye as she felt some skin. She immediately sat up straight, making the boy flinched, and had his eyes widened in confused.



Y/N turned her head towards the door, where she assumed the voice was coming from. She could see the boy beside her was a bit sleepy as he rubs his eye and behind him was none other then her friends.

Yoimiya ran into the living room towards the couch before giving Y/N a big and warm hug. Y/N blinked her eyes mutiple of times before hugging her back, patting her head and back. She could see the others were walking into the living room aswell.

"I brought your favorite caramel pudding~"

Venti said as he sat on his legs infront of Y/N before putting the sealed pudding on the table.

"... I already told them that I should visit you by myself first since your injuries are pretty recent -" Shinobu shakes her head as she sat on a chair besides Heizou, putting one of her legs on top of the other. "- But Kazuha said that you didn't mind"

"Mhm, did the both of you have a nice day?" Kazuha hummed as he sat infront of Heizou, crossing his legs.

"Yeah, honestly it's not that painful since I don't move around at all" Heizou grinned as he slowly brings his legs up to the couch and crossed it.

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