⟢ 11﹒Dendrobium

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There's Y/N, Yoimiya, Ayaka, Shinobu, Mona, Keqing, Venti, Xiao, Kazuha and Heizou

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There's Y/N, Yoimiya, Ayaka, Shinobu, Mona, Keqing, Venti, Xiao, Kazuha and Heizou

So 10 person!

Each of them payed for their entrace to the Amusement Park, and boy is it big.

In an distance, you could see Yoimiya was in awe, excited to go to rides and play games. Each of them had a partner with or was in a groups.

Yoimiya, Shinobu, Keqing and Mona wanted to go on the scary rides, Venti just drags Xiao everywhere while Y/N, Heizou, Kazuha and Ayaka spends their time taking pictures together and doing some fun things.

Yoimiya, Shinobu, Keqing and Mona wanted to go on the scary rides, Venti just drags Xiao everywhere while Y/N, Heizou, Kazuha and Ayaka spends their time taking pictures together and doing some fun things

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"Hey! We're planning to try out the new part. I heard that they added a roller skating rink! Are y'all coming?"

Venti said as he comes out of nowhere with lots merchandise, followed by tired Xiao from
behind, but it seems like he had fun aswell

"Oh sure!" Yoimiya replied, lifting her head from her ice cream waffle.

"What about you guys?" Shinobu asked towards Y/N and her groups.

"I just ate a lot... I don't want to throw up in the rink" Y/N said as she smiled awkwardly but happy.

"Well then, how about we ride the ferris wheel?"
Heizou then suggested, sliding -leaning- beside Y/N.

"Oh can I come aswell? I need to take a breather" Ayaka asked, turning her head towards them as she wipes her hand with a paper towel.

"Yeah I'll come with you guys" Kazuha then stood up, adjusted his slip bag straps properly.

"Sure! Let's go!" Y/N stood up aswell.

"Alright then we'll wait you guys at the skating rinks" Said Venti as he pulled Xiao's hand again, followed by the others -Yoimiya, Keqing, Mona, Shinobu- from behind.

"Alright then we'll wait you guys at the skating rinks" Said Venti as he pulled Xiao's hand again, followed by the others -Yoimiya, Keqing, Mona, Shinobu- from behind

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