⟢ 18﹒Bandages

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(A/N : fluff chapter to make myself better)

(A/N : fluff chapter to make myself better)

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knock knock

"Heizou! I made some scrambled eggs for you!"

Y/N waited patiently infront of the boy's room.

"Ah, N/N? Thank you! I'll be out in a minute"

Y/N nodded as if the boy could see it. She walked towards the living room and goes to the dining area. She puts some containers on the table and fresh smokes could be seen flying in the air.

Few minutes later, Heizou came out of his room, making Y/N turned off her phone and look towards the boy who's now wearing an oversized light black silverish shirt with his usual black pants.

"Sorry! I was changing my bandages"

Heizou said as he took a seat infront if Y/N, eyes shined bright as he begin to crack his chopstick.

Y/N just smiled and stared at him. His bandages were... kinda different? The bandages on his body were so - loosened.

"Kazuha have his morning classes huh?"

"Hm? Oh- yeah" Heizou nodded as he starts eating his favorite scrambled eggs.

Y/N shakes her head and lets out a small chuckle
"The bandages you wrapped are neat, but just not the one at your stomach"

"...Is it really that obvious?"

"Yeah" Y/N chuckled, the straps looked like it was about to fall off anytime now.

Heizou can't lie, wrapping and changing the bandages on his chest and stomach were kinda hard. Usually he would be good at putting bandages on his leg or hand or even head since he was used to getting scars there, but when it comes to the lower part of his neck and his torso, Kazuha will wrap the bandages for him before he went to college. Everytime Heizou did it himself, it would be really loose and messy. He can do it, but not to himself. Doing on others is more easier. Plus the cut on his stomach was still kinda deep.

"Do you need help with it?"

Y/N said as she stood up slowly, while looking at the boy infront of him with a warm smile.

"...Yeah" Heizou muttered as his gaze softened and continues eating his food in awe.

Yeah" Heizou muttered as his gaze softened and continues eating his food in awe

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