⟢ 22﹒Cuddles

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- A/N : favorite favorite fluffs -

(A/N : if you have some mother / father / attachment issues, you might understand why Y/N playfully said Heizou looked like her father in the last chapter. Y/N's parents were murdered and she don't get a lot of physical attention. Heizou however often make himself close with Y/N and cared for Y/N deeply. Y/N had growned attached to Heizou.)


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"Heizou. Please, Just let me help. Just stay in your room and I'll help-"

"No no no that won't do, I'm giving you space to sleep. I won't change my mind"

Heizou said as he took a lot of files outside, placing them on the dining table. Y/N wanted him to just work peacefully on his room without her troubling him while Heizou wants Y/N to have a rest and just take his whole room since Heizou can sleep in Kazuha's room anyway. Speaking off, Kazuha just watches his two friends looking like an old married couple fighting across his room.

"I cooked katsu, it's still hot so don't forget to eat"

Kazuha said from his room, making his two friends stop arguing. "Yep, thanks Kazu!" Heizou said with a thumbs up.

After that, everyone had dinner and went to do their own thing. Kazuha was helping Heizou at the dinner table with the case and Heizou told Y/N to go to sleep since it was almost midnight.

But, Y/N can't sleep. She just spends the next hours wide awake, staring at the clouds and stars above her. She can't deny how pretty it was, but it didn't help her falls asleep.

Y/N then decided to study. Yea, study.

She welcomed herself to Heizou's desk, not touching anything when he's not here and just puts her homework and books on there. The clouds and stars were pretty bright enough for Y/N to see the words on the books so she didn't turn on the main light, she didn't want the boys to know that she's not sleeping.

After some studying, she could hear some light knocks on the door, making her quickly turned her head to the door. this is it.

The door was opened slowly, Heizou thought Y/N was asleep but no. She was at his desk. He looks unamused.

"Well, well, well, decided to study all night now are we?"

"I couldn't sleep" Y/N says as she playfully pouts.

Heizou just lets out a small laugh, walking over to his desk and patted Y/N on the head.

"Don't stay up too late" Heizou said as he grabs some files from his desk drawers for himself.

"I could say the same to you" Y/N just look at the boy as he walked to the door, not taking her eye off the tired and stressed boy.

All Heizou could do was smile and laugh to hide how stressed he was over the case before closing the door.

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