⟢ 14﹒Aftercare

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3 AM

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3 AM

Y/N was trying to stay calm, She sat by the bed in Kazuha's room, Kazuha had called the nurses to get Y/N and Heizou some medical attention since Heizou's bandages were already stained in blood. Heizou was laying on the bed, the nurses was beginning to treat him next.

The nurse was done reapplying the bandages on Heizou's hands, neck, head, and legs. Basically everywhere but his body. So the nurse asked Heizou to lift up the hoodie he was wearing, he did and it shows his bloody stomach. Y/N could only look towards the door, where the other friends were waiting and leaning on, gripping the mattress that was laid beside Heizou.

The nurse said that if Heizou wanted the pain and aching to end or at least lessen it, he should just took off his top. So Heizou listened.

' This hurt as hell ' - Heizou

Y/N felt his cheeks went warm as she looks at her hoodie that Heizou put on the opposite side of the bed. All everyone could see was Heizou had bandages wrapped around his body. Y/N was trying so hard not to stare was trying so hard to not make the pink-red tint on her cheeks visible.

' This isn't the time. ' - Y/N

Y/N was wondering why the boy haven't gave her the hoodie, but she didn't care anyway. She could see Kazuha was chuckling and Venti was laughing at Y/N red face very quietly. Y/N felt more embarrassed, she ignored them and just look at her phone, to distract herself from Heizou.

Heizou and Y/N was done eating their 'dinner' at 3:30 AM, and since the both of them were already in Kazuha's neat and tidy room, Venti said that he and Xiao will sleep on the couch outside since Kazuha invited them to hangout, and Kazuha suggested that Y/N sleep at Heizou's room since Heizou was too injured to be walking a lot.

"Ah--- Sure! J-Just don't mind the mess..." Heizou said, he had a hint of embarrassment as he was looking to the opposite side.

"W-Well I wouldn't mind but are you sure? I can go to my dorm right now-"

"No no, please don't Y/N. It's almost 4 right now and you should just rest. Please, we don't mind"

Kazuha said as he sets himself in his bed beside Heizou, tucking himself in the mattress. Heizou was looking at the Kazuha and Kazuha was laughing at him. Y/N didn't know why.

"W-Well.. If you say so.." Y/N was taking glances and glances at Heizou. He was wearing nothing on the upper body but the bandages, covered him. thank god. Y/N couldn't help but had Heizou on her mind all the time.

Y/N gave Kazuha a last smile as he watched Y/N left his room and was about to goes to Heizou's room from just across Kazuha's room.

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