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Camila pov

I'm freaking out here Jauregui.. She just totally rejected me. I was ready to kiss her and she pulls away! Why is she just staring at me with those gorgeous green eyes and that cute little smile and  why is she even smiling? Does she think it's funny? Is she playing me? Oh my God I can't handle this silence. I'm so embarrassed, I was really going for it and then she pulls away?

Before she even had a chance to explain herself, I was getting up of the bed and ready to run away but then she took my arm and pulled me back on the bed.

'Where do you think you're going?'  She asks playfully, but I give her a "are you serious" look and she frowns. 

'Did I do something wrong?' She asks like she didn't just dodged my attempt to kiss her. 

Is she serious right now? Was I imagining her trying to kiss me too? 

No, I swear she leaned in and I did too.

'Lauren, are you being serious right now? I'm having a fucking nervous breakdown because you pulled away before we even kissed!' I kind of half yelled. 

She looks taken back by my sudden outburst and I instantly regret that I said that.

'Sorry I yelled Lauren, but I thought you were gonna kiss me because you leaned in and then at the last moment you pull away and act like nothing happened. And that hurted a little cause I really wanted to kiss you as well.' I explain now in a soft tone.

She grabs my hands and looks into my eyes and smiles.

'Okay, I'm sorry I leaned in and pulled away. I just felt like this wasn't the right moment.'  She says while readjusting herself and pulling me into her lap.

'Why didn't you just say that in the first place instead of acting like it didn't happen.' I mumble.

'Okay look, I shouldn't have done that, that was a mean thing to do. I'm really sorry. I just don't want our first kiss to be here in this messy hotel room. I want it to be special so...' She inhales deeply and then looks me straight in the eye. 'Karla Camila Cabello, Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?'

Why does she have to be so damn cute? These butterflies in my stomach are going crazy because of her. 

'I would love to go on date with you' I say as I give her a really long hug.

She smiles and pecks my cheek. I feel my cheeks burn and I look down to hide it but Lauren lifts my head up with her finger under my chin and smiles at me. 

'You're cute when you blush. Now, let's watch a movie and cuddle'  She says with a cheesy grin on her face.

2 hours later, somewhere around 3am

'Do you really have to go to your hotel? It's like fifteen minutes away from here. You can just stay here and go to your hotel tomorrow morning'  She pouts.

'Stop pouting Laur, it's not gonna work. I already asked Tara and she is waiting in the lobby for me. So i really have to go. I'll see you tomorrow for our date.'  I say as I hug her. 

'Okay, see you tomorrow.' She says and kisses my cheek.

I turn around and start walking to the elevator. I wave one more time to Lauren and then the door shuts.

I greet Tara in the lobby and we start to walk to our hotel.
I told her everything that happened and she was so excited for me.
I'm so glad I told Lauren how I felt.

Next day

'Tara! Get your ass in the bathroom now!'  I'm so nervous for this date. I know it's weird cause I know Lauren and I know I don't have to impress her or anything but still.

'Yeah I'm here what can I do for miss Cabello?'  She says with a weird voice.

'Is my hair good? Or should I do it differently?' 

'Karla your hair looks amazing, your outfit is amazing. Just put your shoes on cause she'll be here in ten minutes.' 

She walks back out and I follow her into the room to put my shoes on.

*knock* *knock*

'There you'll have her.' Tara says as she gets up. 

'Hey Lauren, she's almost ready. She's just putting on her shoes.'  I hear Tara inform Laur about me.

'I'm here!'  I say as my breath hitched in my throat at the sight of Lauren. 

She sure knows how to look hot in an all black outfit. 

'H-hi Camz, y-you look beautiful.'  She stutters.

I guess I have the same effect on her as she has on me. 

'T-Tanks, y-you too.'  

She takes my hand and leads me to the front of the hotel where a cab is waiting for us.

While we're on the backseat of the car we talk about ourselves and we're actually getting to know each other even better.

After a 20 minute drive we ended up in front of a restaurant.
Lauren gets out and holds her hand out for me. Then she pays the driver and grabs my hand again and leads me inside of the restaurant.

'Hello welcome to Moonlight Diner. How can we help you?'  A lady asks us.

'Yeah reservations for two on the name Jauregui Michelle.'  She says smoothly.

The lady nods and leads is to our table.

3 hours later

Lauren and I are walking around town hand in hand. After dinner Lauren wanted to walk back to the hotel cause she said the scenery around here was amazing and I had see it, since this was my first time in NYC.

'So are you liking the date so far?'  She ask timidly.

'I am. Thank you for making this night as perfect as it is.' I say while quickly pecking her on the cheek.

'You don't have to thank me for it, it was my pleasure.'  She stops walking and pulls me in for a hug.

When she pulls away, she still has her arms around my waist.



'I don't want to be too cheesy but can I kiss you?'  She ask with a playfull laugh.

Like she doesn't already know the answer.
I nod and she becomes serious again.
She licks her lips and so do I. Then we both lean in and we kiss.

It was slow and timid but it was the best kiss I had ever had. 

After what felt like ages we both pull away and I'm smiling like and idiot and she mirrors my expression.

'Damn Camz! You're a great kisser.' She laughs. 

I laugh and give her another peck.

'Not to brag but I've heard that before you know.' I say and wink at her and se laughs loudly. 

We give eachother another peck on the lips and continue to walk to her hotel.


Sorry for any mistakes!
This far I think that this is my first chapter that's actually good and it's also really fluffy ☺️

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