Part 26

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Lauren pov

The movie just ended and me and mani are just chilling and talking but I can't hear the other girls anymore the only thing I hear is the soft sound of the tv. Guess they are watching a movie.

'You can go to Camila now if you want. I had a great time with you tonight Lauren.' Normani says and give me a side hug.

'Are you kidding me. It is only 12 am our girls night isn't complete yet.' I say as I get out of the bunk and see Normani looking at me with a confused look.


'Our nightly walks.' I say simply and she smiles.

'Alright. But you do know we're parked at a parking lot?' She says

'I know. Luckily I did some searching and there is a park somewhere near us so we're gonna go there.' I said and put on my shoes and my leather jacket. Mani puts her shoes and jacket on and we walk to the front lounge where we see the three other girls sleeping on the couch while their movie is still playing.

'Our kitchen is a mess.' Normani says.

'I wonder what they did' I said and walked over to Camila who was laying with her head on Dinah's lap and kissed cheek without waking her up.

'Same, but we'll ask them tomorrow c'mon let's go.' Mani says as she grab some snacks that were still laying around on our tiny kitchen table.

Once we're out of the bus we're met with a cold breeze. I start to look around for the park.

'Where to lo?'

'I have no idea. I'll just use the gps on my phone. Once my phone found our directions we started to follow them. Eventually we got to the park and we just started to walk around and when mani saw the swings she ran up to them and say down.

'Thank you.' Normani says after a long but comfortable silence.

'For what?'

'For doing this with me again.' She says.

'You don't have to thank me for this. It's our tradition. Which I'm by the way gonna keep up. I do have to find a balance between girls night and Camz night, but I'll manage.' I said with a giggle.

'Camz night?' Normani says and laughs.

'Yeah, she calls it Camz night for some reason.' I said and giggled

'You guys are weird but also really cute' Normani says.

'Thanks.' I say genuinely and it got silent until mani spoke up.

'Just a question, is she okay with it still being a secret to the world?'

'Oh wow, that's random. But no she's not. She says she is cause she doesn't want to pressure me and stuff but I know she secretly wants me to tell the world that we're together. Not because she wants to feed off of my celebrity status and stuff but because she genuinely likes me and she feels like I'm hiding her.' I explained.

'But you are kind of hiding her.' Mani said.

'Well yeah. But not because I'm ashamed or something. I just can't handle living my life in the public eye that well you know and when I come out to the world and tell them I've got a girlfriend they will go crazy and shit. I'm not ready for the world to know simply because I'm afraid of their reaction.' I explained to Normani.

'I get that it's not simple but since when do you care what people are gonna say? It's your damn life Lauren. And yes living life in the public eye is hard but fuck it. If you really love someone you show it to the world! She's kind of famous herself so you don't have to protect her from that. She already knows how these things go. I'm not gonna pressure you but...who the hell am I kidding here. Grow some fucking balls and show your girl of. How long have you guys been together now? Two months?' Normani said very passionately.

'Almost three months.' I said

'Well then?'

'I don't know Normani.'

'You love her right?'

'Are you serious? I adore her! She's the one for me Normani. I can see myself marrying that girl. She can make me happy just by telling a story about bananas.'

'Okay that is weird? Story about bananas?' Normani asked confused.

'Yeah, she loves bananas' I said and she nodded.

'Okay whatever. Back to the topic. Tell the world about your beautiful banana loving girlfriend.' Normani said

'Look at you, not so long ago you hated her guts and now you're practically picking her side' I joked and she smiled.

'I never hated her guts. She just stole you away from me that's all. And this is not about picking sides. Telling the world about Camila and you will not only make her happy but it will also be a big relief for you. I see you tense up every time a reporter asks about our dating life. I see it in your eyes that you want to tell them everything but you shut down every time. Next time don't hesitate and just blurt it out girl.' Normani said and stood up.

'Where are you going?'

'To the bus. It's getting cold' she said and pulled me up from the swing. We hooked our arms together and walked back to the bus.



So sorry for not updating for a long time!!! I know I said I was gonna update faster...but yeah. I just had a lot to do for school and next month are my finals so I won't be able to update for another month but I definitely will update when school is over!!!

Sorry for the mistakes i didn't proof read this.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day or night depends on where you live ofcourse.

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