Part 16

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Camila pov

I'm getting nervous, I'm ten minutes away from meeting Lauren's parents. Right now we are sitting in their dressing room on Lauren's lap.

"Babe, are you okay?" Lauren whispers in my ear. 

"Yeah..why wouldn't I be okay?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"Because you are shaking. Are you nervous because of my parents?" She asks with an teasing smirk.

"Babeee this isn't funny okay. I have never 'met the parents', it's a big deal for me."  I say while pouting.

"Okay I'm sorry but you shouldn't be nervous, they are really nice and they will adore you."  She says while kissing my cheek.

"Yeah and what if they don't like me?" I say still unsure.

"Then I guess I will have to break up with you." Lauren says jokingly and I slap her arm playfully.

"Lauren! Stoooop joking about this! I really can't handle your jokes right now."  I say while getting up and starting to pace around the room.

After two minutes of pacing around Lauren gets up and stands in front of me while putting her hands on my shoulders to stop me from moving.

"Stop pacing around babe, I'm getting nervous just by looking at you. It's gonna be okay. My parents aren't monsters. They are gonna love you and you know why?" She asks with a loving look.

"No." I say shyly.

"Because I love you and you make me happy so they have no choice. They are going to have to like you." She says while kissing me.

"Ahem."  We hear a male clear his throat. Lauren and I pull away to look who's there and I see a man and a woman and two kids.

"Hey dad, mom." Lauren says while letting me go and hugging her parents.
She greets her siblings and then she turns to me.

Oh boy. Here it goes.

"Camila, these are my parents and these two monkeys are my siblings." Lauren says while smiling at me. I take a step closer to them and want to shake her fathers hand but instead he pulls me in a hug. 

"You can call me Mike."  He says while pulling away. "And this is my wife Clara." He says while pointing at her. 

I hug her and she smiles at me. 

"It's nice to meet the person who makes my daughter so happy." She says after we pulled away from our (awkward) hug.

"And these are my other kids, Taylor and Chris." Mike says while I give them a small wave. But apparently Taylor wanted a hug cause next thing I know, she's hugging me really tight.

"Okay that's enough hugging Tay."  I hear Lauren say. 

She pulls her sister away and puts her own arm around my waist while guiding me and her family to the couches. When we sit down Lauren grabs my hand in hers and she kisses the backside of it and then places our hands in her lap and plays with my fingers.

We talk for about an hour until Lauren has to get ready. Her parents and Taylor are already somewhere in the crowd cause they wanted to see the opening acts. So that leaves me and Chris alone in the dressing room.

"So tell me Camila, how much do you actually love my sister?"  He asks while sitting up straighter so he looks more intimidating. 

"Uuhm, I love your sister very much." I say shyly.

"What are your intentions with her?" He asks again in that intimidating voice.

"I just want to make her happy that's all." I say with a lot of confidence.

"I like you Cabello but if you hurt my sister, I won't like you anymore and there will be consequences. It's not because you are a girl that the rules are different okay? If you hurt my sis I will hurt you." He says still with that voice.

"Yes sir." I say and his face softens.

"By the way you two are cute and you are a nice girl."  He says before getting out to join his family.

I let out a deep sigh right as Lauren comes back. 

"Why are you sighing my love." She asks in a British accent, while walking to the make up mirror.

I walk up to her and put my arms around her waist and kiss her neck. 

"Your brother threatened me. He said that if I hurt you that he will hurt me." I say still kissing her neck.

She looks up in the mirror to look at me and then turns around. 

"Oh god not again. He did that with my ex boyfriends too, but no worries babe he never gets through with it because he is a wimp."  She says while smiling and kissing me on the lips.

"Good to know." I chuckle. "Now get your ass up on that stage and kick some ass." I say while kissing her one more time. 

"I will, I love you babe." She says while smacking my ass.

When she's almost out the door I call her again: "Baby!" 

She stops in the doorway and turns around. 

"Please do that move that I like so much." I say and wink at her. She rolls her eyes and then gets out the door. I grab my camera and walk to the film area.


After the show

"Bye Dinah see you tomorrow!" I say as she makes her way out.

I'm glad that we sleep in a hotel room tonight because my back is starting to hurt from those bunks.

"Lauren, baby! Please hurry up I'm tired." I yell at her. She always takes so long to shower after a show. Everybody already left except for a few crew members. After another 5minutes she finally comes out of the bathroom and grabs my hand to lead us out of the room outside the venue.

I thought we were going with a cab or something but there wasn't a taxi waiting for us. 

"Babe where is the taxi?" I ask while yawning.

"There isn't one. We are going to walk. It's romantic babe. C'mon."  She says while pulling me forward.

We're strolling and she suddenly stops and kisses me. 

"What was that for?" I ask once we pulled away.

"I forgot to do it after my show and I love you." She smiles cheekily.
I smile at her and then we start walking again.

I was starting to walk slower and we still had to walk a couple blocks but I just couldn't anymore.

"Babe can we just call a cab because my feet hurt and I'm tired." I whine.

She sighs but shakes her head: "Nope, but I do have an idea." She pulls of her backpack and gives it to me. I look at her confused. 

"Put in on your back babe. That way you can get on my back. I'll carry you to the hotel."  She says while chuckling at my confused state.

I put the backpack on and then jump on her back.
She carries me all the way to the hotel but we weren't prepared for what was waiting for us in front of the hotel..

This chapter sucks. Sorry for that. 
And as always sorry for the mistakes.

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