Part 31

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Lauren pov

After I got home from the Christmas shopping with my sister I went to my room and laid down on my bed. I grabbed my phone and went on my social media to pass time.  After an hour I was about to put my phone down and go downstairs when a notification popped on my screen.

@camilacabello97 :
New video!! Go check it out!! ❤️

I thought about clicking on the link and watching the video but decided against it. Instead I put my phone down on my nightstand and went downstairs.

There I saw my family making food for tomorrow's Christmas party. I decided to help my mom with the chicken.

'Mom!!' My sister yelled as she was running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

'What is it Taylor?' Mom asked as she finished up the dish.

'I have something important to ask all of you.' She says being all serious.

'Okay? What?' My brother said.

'Can we please go feed the homeless tomorrow?' She said and we all frowned.

'Where did you get that idea from sweetie?' My dad asked

'Nowhere special, I just want to do something nice. Those people have nothing, while we enjoy this delicious food people be starving on the cold streets of some have nobody and are gonna be there alone. It just wouldn't feel right. I want to help those people and be there for them so that they feel like they have someone too on Christmas.' My sister explained and I smiled.

'I don't know Taylor. What about all this food?' My mom said.

'We can bring it and share it with those people.' I suggested because my sister had a point and I also felt like doing the right thing.

'Well I guess we're feeding the homeless then.' My dad said and my sister jumped up from excitement.


I was getting ready for tonight when my sister walked in. She was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and was holding another one, which she gave to me.

'I thought we could match.' She said and sat down on my bed while I put on the sweater.

'Excited for tonight?' I asked and sat down next to her.

'Hell yeah I am. Are you?' She says with a big smile on her face.

'Yeah, it's gonna be good for me. I've been feeling down lately and I just feel like helping those people and putting a smile on there faces, is gonna help me put one on my face too.' I said

'You're still sad about your break up with Camila?' My sister asked.

'Well not so much about the break up. I just really miss her. I didn't deserve her you know?' I said and fought back the tears.

'Don't say that, you did deserve her. You were just angry and said some things you didn't mean-'

'But I did mean them though. I should have never been in that relationship. Not because I didn't love her, I do love her, but because I didn't know what I wanted for myself. Camila is out and proud and living her life to the fullest, I am still scared to do that. I wasn't out and kind of made her go back in the closet a little, by being in a relationship with her she had to hide. I should've just figured myself out first. That relationship wasn't healthy either, I ended up in the hospital at one point for Gods sake, but it wasn't because of her. She was the best, I was the one to ruin everything. If I could go back I wouldn't have dated her until I figured myself out first.' I said and felt tears stinging in my eyes.

'Would you want to be with her again if you are ready?' My sister asked

'I don't know. Maybe.' I said

'Ladies! Time to go!' My dad yelled from downstairs.


Camila pov

I was putting soup into some lady her bowl when I saw Lauren walk in with her family. I was so shocked to see her that I didn't pay any attention to the soup and felt a hot liquid running over my hand. I dropped the spoon and quickly ran over to the sink.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck.' I muttered to myself.


Lauren pov

When we arrived at the shelter I saw some little kids staring at me and I waved at them. They giggled and ran to their parents.

When we stepped inside I looked around and smiled at everybody. I hear my mom say something to an old lady and they are of to a table. My brother and father went straight to the kitchen to help with the food. I was gonna ask Taylor what she wanted to do when I suddenly heard something drop. I look to see where the sound was coming from and saw Camila running to the sink and putting her hand under water.

My first instinct was to run towards her but then I saw an older man taking care of her. So I went with my second instinct and grabbed Taylor by the arm and outside the venue.

'What the hell Taylor!'

'What?' She said trying to look innocent but her face betrayed her.

'You know she was gonna be here!'

'Okay, yes I knew. I was just trying to help! You miss her Lauren! I just saw this as an opportunity to get you to talk to her!' My sister yelled back.

'I can't go talk to her Tay.' I said

'Why not, she's right here.' Taylor said

'I don't know what to say, I'm scared she'll say she never wants to see me again, and that would mean the end of us even being friends.' I said and felt tears coming.

'Then just say that.' Taylor said and walked back inside.

I was left outside with two choices. Going inside and talk to Camila or go back home.



This sucks, sorry. Didn't proof read.

Don't know when the next update will be because I'm really busy with school.

Hope you have a nice day :)

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