Part 27

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Lauren pov

When we entered the bus again we saw that the girls cleaned up a bit and disappeared from the front lounge. Me and Mani said good night to each other and got into our bunks.

I can't fall asleep because of what Mani said to me. I do want to tell it to the world, I do but what if people don't accept it? And I have to tell the rest of my own family first and I still haven't met her parents. Does she even has parents? She never mentioned them. Now that I think about it, every time I talk about parents she quickly changes the subject. 

At 4am I finally fell asleep but I had to get up again at 6 because I needed to pee really badly. After that I just stayed up and went to the back lounge. I took my drawing pad and started sketching some things.


Camila pov

I woke up around 7:30 am because my alarm was still on and I forgot to turn it of. So I got up and went to the bathroom. Then I went to the kitchen and saw that there weren't any bananas anymore. Fuck.

Then I remembered that I had left a banana in my bag so I walked to the back lounge to get my banana. When I opened the door I saw Lauren sitting there with her drawing pad.

'Oh hey Laur. What are you doing up already?' I asked as I sat down next to her and kissed her cheek.

'Hey babe. I had to pee and then I decided to stay awake. What are you doing up?' She says cutely.

'I forgot that we had an off day today so my alarm went of and then I also decided to stay awake.' I say and look at her drawing.

'Hey, don't look yet!' She says and hides the pad so I couldn't see it anymore.

'What? Why can't I look babe?' I say in a childish voice.

'It's a surprise. I also made one for my parents.' She says and I nod.

'Nice, your parents are really lucky to have a daughter like you. Now where is my backpack?' I said trying to change the subject. I hate talking about my parents.

'I don't know. But do you want me to make one for your parents too? So that when I meet them I can give it to them?' She says and I tense up. Fuck. Totally forgot that she probably wants to do the whole "meeting the parents thing".

'No, don't bother they are just happy with a bottle of cheap wine. Now where is my backpack babe?' I said and got up to look around the lounge.

'Oh. Okay. And I don't know babe. Look in that closet thing there.' She said pointing at it. I looked in it and found it. I opened it and found my banana.

'You seriously keep a banana in your backpack?' She said

'Yes, it's my emergency banana.' I say seriously.

'Your what?'

'My emergency banana. I only eat it when I'm at a place without bananas. And there weren't any bananas in our kitchen and the grocery stores are still closed at this hour so I needed my emergency banana.' I explained and she giggled.

'God, why are you so damn cute?' She says and pulls me in her lap.

'I don't know.' I said and took a bite from my banana.

'Can I have a bite?' She asked and I looked at her like she was crazy.

'Are you serious?'

'Yes, I've haven't had any breakfast yet. Please? I promise to buy you new bananas.' She said and after a couple of seconds of pondering I gave in.
She smiled and took a bite.

After I finished the banana we sat there in silence just cuddling. She was stroking my back and I was playing with her hair. I almost fell asleep but then she broke the silence.



'How come you never talk about your parents?' She asks really carefully.

'What? I talk about them.' I lie but she of course knows that.

'Babe, I'm serious. Don't you want them to know about me?' She asks almost whispering.

'Hey, I do want them to know about you. I'm not hiding you from them, if that's what you're afraid of.' I  said and turned in her lap so we were face to face.

'Then why don't you talk about them? Or why can't I meet them?' She asks and looks down at our intertwined hands and fumbles with my fingers.

'I just.. It's complicated.' Is all that came out. I want to tell her but it's just not something you blurt out.

'Please tell me babe.' She says so gently and I give in. Here goes nothing.

'Like I already said I'm not hiding you from them. It's more the other way around. I'm hiding them from you.' I said and she frowned. 'My mom is an alcoholic. We have a good bond but only when she has her good moments. The good moments are very rare. She tried to stop multiple times already but she just fails every time. And my dad, is either in jail or he is released already I don't know, but he has a restraining order. He can't come near me or my mom and sister. So basically I don't have a dad anymore. My sister is 8 years old and lives with our uncle and aunt. They are practically our parents cause they raised me too. They are really nice and they also try to help my mom as much as they can. So yeah that is my family.' I said and got up from her lap to walk away cause I hate it when other people see me cry.

When I got outside of the bus I just started running. I needed to get away for just a few hours. I hate talking about my family. It reminds me of the fact that my life is an actual hell.



Sorry for letting you guys wait so long again but I'm finally back home. So here's the update. Hope you like it.

As always sorry for the mistakes and have a nice day. :)

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