Part 32

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Lauren pov

After a couple of minutes thinking about whether or not to go back inside I just sighed and went back inside.

I looked around and saw a bunch of kids sitting at a table laughing and looking at me. I walked up to them and sat down next to a little girl, whose cheeks went bright red.

'Hello, I'm Lauren. Who are you?' I asked the kids.

'I'm David and I'm five years old!' This little guy yells excitedly.

'I'm Chloe and this is my sister Sara.' A girl says with a big smile.

'I'm seven years old.' Sara adds.

'Wow! You're already seven? That's so old!' I joke and Sara laughs.

'I'm not old!' She says through her laugh and I laugh with her.

'And who are you?' I ask the shy little girl next to me.

'I'm Lili.' She says very quietly.

'And how old are you?' I ask her and instead of telling me she holds up seven fingers.

'She goes to the same school as me!' Sara says.

'Wow that's really awesome! Are you guys friends?' I ask and Sara was the first to answer.

'I want to be her friend but she never says anything. She is really shy.' She explains and Lili looks down.

'Kids! Food is here!' An older man yells as he places the plates on the table.

'Can I help sir?' I ask politely and he smiles.

'You can get the soup because the soup girl got injured unfortunately.' He says and I nod.

I walk to the kitchen and look around for the soup. It stood right next to where Camila was. Great. I walk up to it but right when I was about to pick it up Camila turned around and grabbed it as well and our hands touched. I quickly pulled my hands back and felt my cheeks heating up.

'Sorry.' I said and looked down.

'No problem.' She says and I can hear that she is as uncomfortable as I am.
She tried to pick up the soup pot but struggled because of her hand that was injured.

'Need any help?' I asked and gave her a small smile.

'Umm, yeah maybe you can carry it and I will put it in the plates?' She said and gave back a smile.

'Okay sounds like a great plan.' I said and grabbed the soup.


After giving everybody their soup we went back to the kitchen. I put the pot with the dishes and now we're standing awkwardly next to each other.

'So..thanks.' Camila says and walks away.

'You're welcome.' I say, more to myself because she was already out the kitchen. I sigh and walk out as well to look for my parents.

As I open the door Camila walks back in and our bodies collide with each other. Great.

'Sorry.' I say and see her holding her injured hand. 'Are you okay? Can I help?'

'No!' She half yells which startled me a bit. 'Sorry, I don't want to be rude but why are you even here?' She says and looks me straight in the eye.

'I want to help the homeless people.' I say and she huffs.


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