Part 22

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Camila pov

After me and Lauren had some time to ourselves, which was like 5minutes, Ally came through the door with a doctor. He did some check ups and said Lauren could go home but she had to rest for two weeks which meant that she was gonna miss three shows.

I feel so guilty right now. Like now the girls are gonna have to perform with the three of them because of me basically. If I just answered right away Lauren wouldn't be in here and then the girls could've performed like usual. I also feel like Normani hates me now because of the accident. Whenever I ask her something she'll give a dryly answer and then ignores me.

I guess Lauren saw that I was brooding because I suddenly heard her call my name.

'Hey Camz, you alright there?'

'Yeah, of course I just zoned out a bit' I say and force a smile.

'I can see right through your lies Camila. Please be honest with me' she says while giving me comforting squeeze in my hand.

'I'm not lying Lauren. There is nothing to worry about. I'm alright. It's just that I feel a bit guilty that you have to miss thee shows, because of me' I say and give her a sad smile.

'Yeah you should feel guilty.' I suddenly hear Normani say.

'What the hell Normani!' Dinah says while standing up.

'Why are you yelling at me! I'm not the reason why Lauren is laying here in the hospital! But Camila is! And no one is giving her shit about, but the moment I open my mouth I get shit thrown all over me!' Normani says back, also standing up.

'Guys! Shut up!' Lauren yells suddenly.

'Yeah bu-' Dinah tries but Lauren cut her off

'No buts Dinah! Now, Normani what is your problem? Okay, Camila knows that she did something wrong but it's not her fault, it's the fault of the driver. He was driving to fast. And nobody is giving you shit, but you do act really awful towards Camila and you have been acting like that ever since the day that we became friends with her. I just don't really know why because as far as I know she didn't do anything bad towards you.' Lauren says calmly.

'I'm just looking out for you Lo. I just don't feel like you two are made for each other. Don't get me wrong you two are adorable together but from what I've seen so far is that you guys are constantly fighting. Ever since you guys got together Camila has done nothing but hurt  you and that's why I'm being like this towards her.' Normani says and I feel tears running down my face.

'You just crossed the fucking line Mani! We love each other and yeah we fight but every couple has fights and-'

'No Lauren, I never said that you guys don't love each other. All I said was that she has hurt you a lot in the short time you guys have been dating. Hear me out. When you got jealous she got mad at you and you apologized. Then there was the other jealous incident, where she packed her bags and left without a warning. And who apologized? Again you did. And who got hurt the most? You did! When you asked her if sh still loved her ex she couldn't answer right away and who got hurt again? You!' Normani says getting more worked up.

'Shut. The. Fuck. Up.! Why are you saying this right now mani? Why do you hate Camila so much? She has done nothing wrong! And you-' Lauren started to defend me but I just couldn't take it anymore everything Normani said was true..I did hurt Lauren multiple times and almost every time she apologized.

'She is right!' I say and suddenly every head in the room turned to me.

'What? Camz no..I-'

'I know, I love you too but she is right though. And I'm not gonna let you say otherwise. Cause if you're being honest with yourself you feel exactly the same as Normani does. I know I hurt you a lot and I'm so fucking sorry for that.' I say as the tears keep coming.

'Guys, can you please give me a moment with Camila please?' Lauren asks as she pulls me in close.

They leave the room and Lauren cups my face and wipes my tears.

'I don't care about those stupid fights Camila. I love you and those fights only show that we care about each other. The only time I got hurt was when you couldn't answer the question right away, but you came here after you had your closure with Haillee and you were so cute and honest and sweet and also a bit dorky but I love that about you, but anyway you came here and apologized. I forgave you because I love you with all my heart and I never want to lose you. You are mine. And you'll be stuck with me for a really long time. Who cares what Normani says? She is being to overprotective.' Lauren says as she kisses my forehead.

'I care, cause everything she said was right. And I'm gonna work on it. I promise that I will never hurt you again Lo. I will make you the happiest girl in the world. And I love you too babe, so much that it even hurts a little.' I say and kiss her lips.

'And please don't feel guilty about the fact that I can't do shows right now. I kinda like the idea of having free time. It's the perfect opportunity to spend more time with you.' She says cutely.

'If you put it that way, then I feel less guilty' I say with a giggle.

'I love you goofball' she say and kisses me.

'I love you too, planet green eyes' I say making up a new nickname.

'Planet green eyes?'  She says as she laughs.

'Yeah, your eyes are green and when I look in your eyes it feels like I'm on another planet. So planet green eyes.' I make up a rather stupid theory.

'Did you just made that up?' She says but probably already knowing the answer.

'Yeah' I say and smile at her.

'You're cute.'

'No you are' I say back

'No I am.' We here Dinah say and we look at her and she stands there with a smirk on her face.

'Thanks for ruining the moment Jane.' Lauren says but smiles anyway.

'You're welcome Michelle. But anyway, I assume that the ship is still sailing?' She ask while sitting down in the chair next to the bed.

'Yes, Camren is still alive.' I say with the biggest smile ever.

I'm gonna make sure it stays that way by spoiling her so much. The next two weeks are gonna be really fun for the both of us that's for sure.


I wrote another chapter. I feel like this is a good chapter but what do I know right haha.
No , but seriously I hope you guys like the chapter. And I also hope you guys love the story so far.

If you have an idea for the story you guys can always say them and I'll see if I can use it. Cause I actually can use some help lol.

My English is very bad right now but that's because it  1 am and I'm almost falling asleep. But I wanted to give you guys a chapter cause it had been too long since the last update. Sorry for that but I have exams right now (still have to go through 1week and a half)
Tomorrow I have exam History and I'm gonna fail so hard cause  I suck at that lol.

But anyways sorry for boring you with my rambling. I hope you guys have a good day and I love you all :)

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