Part 21

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Camila pov

We've been waiting for Lauren to come out of surgery for like two hours now. When me and Dinah got to the hospital Ally gave us an update. She told us that Normani witnessed it and that Lauren would be alright nothing too bad except for a couple of broken bones and that she needed surgery to stop an internal bleeding. Which sounded really scary but a doctor came to us and explained it.

'Yo Mila, you want something from the vending machine?' I hear Dinah ask me.

'No,thanks.' I say with a hoarse voice because of all the crying.

'Okay, and don't beat yourself up about it. It's not your fault she's in here.' Dinah says while giving me a comforting pat on my back.

'It is her fault' I suddenly hear Normani say from behind me.

'Normani, don't do this.' Dinah says.

'No Normani is right. It is my fault. Lauren was running away, crying, because of me. She asked me if I still loved Haillee and I couldn't answer the question. If I just told her that I didn't loved Haille anymore this would not have happened.' I explain while getting up and grabbing my jacket.

'Where are you going?' Dinah says getting worried

'I'm gonna talk to Haillee.' I say and left the hospital.


Lauren pov

I woke up because of this dull ache in my head. When I open my eyes I see white walls and I hear some annoying beeping noise. What the hell am I doing in a hospital? I look around and I see Normani sleeping in the chair next to me.

'Oh hey you're awake?!' I suddenly hear Dinah yell, who's standing in my doorway.

'Yeah, but can you please explain me why I'm here?'I ask.

'You don't remember?' Dinah says quietly to make sure she doesn't wake up Normani.

'No, the last thing I remember is me standing backstage in our dressing room. And Camz was there too' I say and the moment I said it everything came back to me. I remember Hailee kissing my Girl, than Camila pushing me away and not answering the question and then I ran away and then everything's went black.

'Hey Lauren don't cry. Come here' I hear Dinah interrupting my thoughts.

When Dinah is hugging I hear ally talking outside my room and I assume she calling someone because I don't hear a second voice but she keeps answering.

'Yeah sure Will, we will be there but I don't think Lauren will be there too. So I'll text you when I know more about her situation. Last time I checked she was still sleeping.' Ally says
'Okay bye Will'

Seconds later and she stands in the room. 'Omg Lauren you're awake?!' She yells and wakes up Normani who's also thrilled that I'm awake.


The next day the girls were still in my room but still no sign from Camila. When I asked about her the girl told me they didn't know but I could see through their lies. But I let it go. I know I should be mad at her but I honestly miss her.

'So Will wants to know how long you will be out?' Ally asks suddenly.

' I haven't talked to my doctor yet so I don't know.' I say

'Oh yeah true, I'll go get one.'she says and stands up.

'Can you also bring me something to eat that isn't hospital food?' I ask sweetly and she nods and laughs.

'Well if you don't mind I'm going to the hotel for a bit to rest up for the show from today' Normani says.

'Okay see you later Mani.' I say while waving at her as she walks out my room. 'Now it's just you and me Dinah' I say and she laughs.

'Yep, what you wanna do Lauser?'she says in her typical Dinah way.

'We could play two truths and a lie?' I suggest.

'Erm, actually I have to be somewhere.' She says while looking at her phone. Next time I'll play it with you but this thing is just so important.' She says but I just know she's lying.

'What's going on Dinah?' I ask her.

'Nothing, I really have to go. Sorry but I have to go.' She lies again.

'Okay, whatever.' I say disappointed.

Two minutes after Dinah left I hear a knock on my door.

'Come in' I say hoping that it's ally with my food but when the door opens I only see a lot of balloons so it can't be Ally.

Than the person reveals herself and it's Camila. She's blushing really hard and stands there not sure what to do. Than I look at the balloons.
Every balloon says: I'm sorry for being an idiot, please forgive me?

'Lauren, I know I was an idiot yesterday. I know I should have pushed her away when she kissed me but..I didn't and I'm so sorry for that. When you asked me if I still loved her I didn't answered right away because I was still figuring out if I was truly over her. That kiss brought back so many feelings and made me think but then you ran out of the room and it hit me. I love you and not Hailee. I ran after you but couldn't find you and than I got a phone from Normani who said you had an accident. I came here right away but you were still in surgery and everything was so hectic and it was just horrible. But after a lot of crying I started thinking, the reason that I never really got over Hailee was because our break up never really was official. I really never got closure. So I left this hospital and went to Hailee. I talked to her and really broke up with her. I'm not making so much sense right now but that's because I'm nervous. All I actually want to say is that You are the one that I love and i never want to lose you. So will you please forgive for being an idiot?' She says with tears in her eyes and blushing really hard.

I wipe away the tears that formed in my eyes and smiled.' Of course I forgive you. Come here goofball' I say and she walks up to me and immediately kisses me.

'I'm really sorry Lolo.' She says again and sits next to me on my bed.

'I forgave you so stop saying sorry and give me some kisses' I say with a big smile and she returns the smiles and gives me kisses.

I love this girl with whole my heart and we will be alright again.



This is super bad but I promised that I would write a chapter and I did so yeah. Now I'm promising that the next chapter will be better than this one lol.

Didn't proof read so there are gonna be some mistakes in it.

I hope you guys like it at least a little bit. And yeah have a great day/night.

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