Part 25

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Camila pov

The next morning I woke up still in the same position I fell asleep. I get up and hear Lauren groan a little and I smile.
'Get up you lazy.' I said as I nudged her.

'Nooo' she mumbles back.

'Yes cause you need to be in glam in 2 minutes. C'mon Lo.' I said and walk over to the mini fridge we have in the tour bus.

'Alright. I'm up. But you  better join me. I don't wanna go alone.' She says as she stands up and hugs me from behind.

'Yeah, okay. After I'm done with my breakfast though. I can't function without breakfast.' I said with a giggle.

'Okay then I'll go and put on other clothes.' Lauren says and goes to the back of the bus.

When I'm eating the last bit of my banana Normani walks in. When she sees me she sighs and rolls her eyes.

'Good morning.' I say politely

'Yeah whatever.' Normani says.

Okay then. Guess I'll just leave her alone. I get up and put my cereal bowl in the sink and walk to the back to get Lauren. When I open the door from the back lounge I see Lauren putting on her shoes.

'Hey.' I say and sit next to her after I grabbed my shoes.

'Hey.' Lauren says and sits back after she tied her shoes.

'Okay let me just find my charger and then we can leave.' I say and get up.

'Aren't you gonna put other  clothes on?' Lauren says.

'No, they're not dirty.' I say and keep looking for that damn charger.

'But you slept in them.' Lauren says and makes a face.

'So? I'll change at the venue if it bothers you that much babe. But now we have to hurry up cause you're already late.' I say and cheer once I find my charger.

'Okay let's go.' Lauren says and grabs my hand.

As we walk past the front lounge Lauren and I say bye to Normani.

'Bye Lauren.' Normani says and ignores me. This of course made Lauren stop in her tracks and turn back around.

'Camila said something to you too Mani. Stop being so childish and grow up.' Lauren says.

'I have nothing to say to her Lauren. It's like you totally forgot what she did to you. She has hurt you so many times already and the relationship is just new. This relationship is not healthy for you Lauren but no one seems to notice this.' Normani says and I have to hold back my tears. I let go of Lauren's hand and stand back because I do not want Normani to attack me.

'What kind of friend are you if you can't even be happy for me?! I love Camila and Camila loves me okay! And okay, we got off to a rocky start but I forgave her. She wasn't the only one to blame you know. I had a part in it too. I was acting way to jealous. If I hadn't been so jealous these things wouldn't have happened. The only thing you can only blame Camila for is that ex thing but even that I forgave her. And it wasn't her fault either that I ended up under that car.' Lauren was getting way to heated and I didn't want to be the cause of a fight between them.

'Lauren babe calm down please. Let's just go to glam and talk it out with her once you've calmed down.' I tried to meddle.

'No Camila! She needs to understand that she can't treat you like crap. She needs to get her head out of her ass and act normal towards you.' Lauren said.

'Oh I'm sorry that I just want the best for my friend. I'm sorry that I care about you and sorry that I don't want to see you with a broken heart!' Normani yelled back and took of to the back lounge. Lauren was about to follow but I held her back and dragged her out of the bus.

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