Part 29

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'Uuhm...' Was all that came out of Normanis mouth and then I saw the phone in her hand.

'Mani?' I said in shock. She started to push on her screen and eventually just let it fall.

'I'm so sorry guys, I didn't know you two would be..well..'

'Please tell me it was a snapchat?' I say in panic and see her shake her head.

'I'm sorry it was a live stream.' She says, voice laced with guilt.

No. No. This can't be happening! I'm not ready. The people can't know yet.

'Lauren?' I hear Camila say and place a hand on my shoulder.

'Don't touch me!' I yell at her and walk out of the back lounge.

'Lauren!' I hear Normani yell and walk behind me.

I need to get out of here but I can't. We're still driving. This is a nightmare!

'Lauren! What is going?' Ally asks in panic as she sees me walking in the front lounge in panic.

'Normani fucking filmed me and Camila making out on a live stream!' I yell and kick the couch out of frustration.

'What?!' Dinah yells with a smile on her face.

'It's not funny Dinah! Not is funny about this! Now the world is gonna think I'm a lesbian! I can't have people know that!' I yell

'Woah calm down Lauren! You are a lesbian! You're in a relationship with a female!' Dinah yells back.

'I fucking know that too Dinah! I just don't want the world to know! I just want some fucking privacy!'

'Lauren I'm really sorry, I-'

'Shut it Normani! Thanks to you the world now knows that I'm in a relationship with a girl! Couldn't you just knock or something! I never should've started dating her!' I yell and suddenly see Camila wiping away her tears. And I feel regret coming over me. 'Camila..'

She doesn't say a thing and just walk out to the bunk part. I make a move to follow her but Normani stands in front of me.

'Move Normani!'

'No, you should calm down first.' Is all she says before she goes to join Camila.

'Lauren, Normani is right. Sit down. I'll make you some tea.' Ally says.

'I thought you were better than to let other people's opinions get to you  and I also thought you really love Camila.' Dinah says and also walks away.

'Here's you're tea.' Ally says after a long silence. She doesn't bother me again  and just disappears like the rest of them.


I didn't sleep last night. Or the night before that or the one before that... It's been a week since the accident and I still haven't talked to Camila or any of the girls really. Dinah mostly ignores me and hangs around Camila and even Normani spends the majority of her free time with Dinah and Camila.

Today is the day that the Vamps will join the tour as our new opening act and just like every time someone new joins the tour we have to greet them. We're supposed to be nice and cheery but I just can't today. Last night I looked at my Twitter feed and it didn't take long to find hate tweets. People telling me that I'm disgusting for sleeping with a woman. Some are saying it's just for publicity and that Camila is just doing it for the fame.

I always get mad when they attack Camila though. I want to tweet them back telling them that they are just cowards but then I think about how I'm being a coward for not talking to my girlfriend..if she still is my girlfriend.

'It was nice meeting you all!' I hear Brads cheery voice say. I look up and see him smiling at me. I force a smile back and then walk behind the rest of the girls back to our own dressing room.

'Uhm Lauren we have to talk.' I suddenly hear Camila say and I nod.
We walk to the bus in an awkward silence. Once we sit down on the couch in the front lounge she starts to talk.

'So I know these past few days have been hard for you and I get that you were angry. But they also have been hard on me. I get death threats and mean tweets thrown at me, but that's not what is hard for me. What is hard for me is you ignoring me. You don't talk to me or anyone for that matter. You just keep it all inside. I tried to give you your space and I tried forgetting what you said but I can't anymore.' She says as the tears prickle in her eyes.

'So what are you saying?' I say dryly.

'I'm saying that we should just go our separate ways for now, you obviously have to accept some things out for yourself first. You have to get comfortable with being who you are.' She says and I feel a crop in my throat as I see the tears streaming down her face.

'So you're just giving up on us? You're just gonna leave again?' I say with a bit of an angry tone.

'You haven't given me reasons to stay Lauren. And you did say you never should've started dating me. I already talked with the girls and management that Tara is gonna finish up filming the tour videos while I head home.' She says and stands up to walk away. Once she out off the bus with her suitcase I breakdown and start to punch everything in my reach.

How could I be so stupid.




I updated!

Hope you like it :) have a great day/night.

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