Part Forty-Four

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Max’s POV

“What’s going on, Max?” Becky asks me, as she walks down the stairs.

“Nothing” I lie. Becky means everything to me, but I just can’t let her know about this. I don’t know whether I can trust her and I know Tom won’t appreciate the extra people knowing about this whole situation. After all we’re already in the public eye enough, without this court case hanging over us.

“Don’t lie to me” she says, as she crosses her arms. She’s acting like she’s my mother and I’m home late.

“It’s nothing. Now drop it” I say, but she doesn’t move.

“So, you bring me here, you practically force me to break up with my boyfriend and then you start to act all weird and now you’re lying to me. I know we’ve only been together for like a day or two, but I don’t expect to be lied to” she tells me.

“I know and I’m sorry. I just can’t let you in on this one. If I could, you know I would tell you” I tell her, but she still doesn’t seem satisfied.

“Fine” she says, as she walks off into the living room and sits down on the couch. I follow her and take the seat next to her, but she edges away from me.

“Come on, Becky. I want to tell you, I really do, but I just can’t. I’m sorry” I say.

“Did you mean anything you said to me the other day, or were they lies too?” she asks.

“Fine, but if I tell you, you can’t mention it to anyone” I say, as I give in. There’s no way I can lose her over this.

“Ok” she agrees.

“Do you promise?” I ask her.

“Yes, I promise” she confirms, with a smile.

“Fine, Tom’s up in court in three days for murder” I say, not even realising how much it would shock her.

“Are you serious?” she asks me, as her face drops.

“Unfortunately, yes” I tell her.

“Wow, I guess you never really know what these celebs are like, do you?” she says, as she looks down in shock.

“What? He didn’t do it” I tell her, to make sure she doesn’t believe these stupid rumours.

“Of course not” she says, but I’m not so sure. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her about this. What if she goes to the paper? I will never be able to forgive myself if she does and the boys will never forgive me either.

Rheanna’s POV

As we pull up outside Jay’s house, I can’t help but remember the day Nathan brought me back here. I never wanted this. I was glad to get away, but I suppose things were never going to work out. I wasn’t supposed to be happy and I wasn’t supposed to be with Lewis. It wasn’t right and should have known that. I should have listened to Nathan when he told me that Lewis was bad, but I didn’t. Why did I have to lie about Leo? If I had of just told Nathan the truth then he never would have left me and I never would have got back with Lewis. I suppose it’s over now though, so there’s no point dwelling on the past.

Nathan parks the car up and I quickly get out, before getting Leo out of the back. Once he’s out, I make my way to the back, where I unlock the door, for us all to enter. Once the door is open, I take Leo upstairs and put him to bed. I can’t thank Jay enough for letting us stay with him, without that we would be on the streets and I wouldn’t be able to put Leo through that.

When I get back downstairs, Nathan is sitting on the couch, watching the football. “You can turn that off, right now” I say, as close the living room door behind me.

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